2021 Updated January 08, 2025 08:44 December Release 2021 Coach Library for Courses and PathsDec 14, 2021 We've welcomed the new Coach Library, which is on par with Showpad's Asset Library and provides a clean and organized overview of all Courses and Paths. Click into any assignment to utilize the detail side panel and view metadata quickly. Waste no time finding the Coach content you're looking for with the search and filter capabilities. The updated Coach Library is available for Showpad Coach Plus and Ultimate customers. Learn more about adding the Coach Library here. Configure multiple Dynamics CRM instancesDec 14, 2021 Organizations that utilize multiple Dynamics instances can now gain access to configure more than one Dynamics CRM to their Showpad instance. This allows users to to log all their Showpad activities whether it be Shares or MeetingIQ recordings, to their correct CRM instance. This early access feature is available upon request, reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you're interested. Google Fonts available for Pages Dec 14, 2021 For more control over your branding, you can now define which Google fonts you want to see available within the Page builder. This can be done within the admin feature settings, aiding you in creating consistency and safeguarding your organization’s branding in Pages.Available for Showpad Content Plus and Showpad Content Ultimate customers. Read more about activating fonts here. Expanded reporting capabilities for Direct ManagersDec 14, 2021 We have added a dedicated report for people’s managers where data is aggregated per Direct manager’s team. This allows comparisons between the overall engagement of the teams reporting to specific Direct Managers. Toggle between ‘Direct Reports only’ or ‘Direct and Indirect Reports’ to expand or narrow results based. A convenient drill-down function in the report guides you from the Direct Manager level to User level. Available for Showpad Content Plus and Showpad Content Ultimate customers. Learn more about the new engagement report here. October Release 2021 Create more engaging Pages with video blocks Oct 25, 2021 Catch user and prospect attention at the next level with video content blocks on Pages. Admins can include video blocks on their Page or custom homepage creations with embedded video content from their content library. Customizable options include the ability to play videos on a loop, autoplay, and play the video on mute.Video content blocks are available for Showpad Content Plus and Ultimate customers. Learn more about adding video blocks on Pages here. Assignment of direct managers to usersOct 25, 2021 Expanded manager and user capabilities arrived to assist admins in making smooth workflows and hierarchies within Showpad. Admins can assign one manager to a user or to users in bulk and manage these assignments within Showpad or via SCIM 2.0 provisioning.Managers who are in charge of groups will exist alongside Direct Managers, who can be assigned easily to users regardless of group status.This feature is available to all Showpad customers and is a function of user and Coach engagement reports. Learn more about assigning direct managers here. Add Author property on Pages Oct 25, 2021 Admins can now utilize Showpad’s author property on Showpad Pages. Introducing the author property to Pages also allows private feedback from users to flow to the correct creator of the Page, providing for more opportunities to improve content when needed.Additionally, the author property helps to keep assets organized and makes it clear who owns what, which is especially useful for organizations with more than one content admin.Authors are auto-assigned to the user who created the Page, and multiple authors can be added to one Page, with collaboration in mind.Available for Showpad Content Plus and Showpad Content Ultimate customers. Read about Author property on Pages here. Page-level dynamic content filteringOct 25, 2021 p> Dynamic content filtering is now available for Showpad Pages, helping to refine content so that the right people see assets relevant to their roles, and other content stays hidden from non-stakeholders. Customizable by admins who set up Pages, dynamic content filtering aids in showing the right assets to the best audience across your organization.Available for Showpad Content Plus and Ultimate packages. Learn more about Dynamic Content Filtering here. Course certificate background Oct 25, 2021 Admins can enjoy the option to upload custom backgrounds for course completion certificates in Coach. Whether championing your organization’s branding, sharing a fun pet photograph, or providing a triumphant landscape on a course’s completion, there is no end to the ways you can delight your Coach users for their hard work.Available on Showpad Coach: Plus, or Ultimate. Learn more about Course certificate background here. Show custom homepages to Coach-only users Oct 25, 2021 Coach-only users can now benefit from the same custom homepages their Content and Platform user counterparts enjoy. The homepage is the first thing users see when logging in. Admins customize these homepages to include a mix of tailored content and assign them to the applicable user groups. Read about working with homepages here. Additional property mapping from the SharePoint Online connector Oct 25, 2021 Communication between Showpad and SharePoint online continues to expand as the Author, Language, and Country properties can now be mapped to Showpad to help your single source of truth stay accurate. Keep track of who contributed what content across systems and utilize locale options help point users in the right direction by sharing who is responsible for assets and making sure users see the content relevant to their location. Read more about utilizing the new SharePoint property here. August Release 2021 Updated Showpad for Salesforce app with more options Sept 15, 2021 An updated Showpad for Salesforce app is now available with more standard Showpad actions for recommended content. In addition to link sharing, users can now share recommended assets via email, or add them to Shared Spaces and Collections. As for the look and feel, you will notice a compact list of assets with more info and can see some stats like asset views and shares at a glance. In order to utilize the updated widget, as an admin, you will need to update your Showpad for Salesforce app package. Users can learn more about sharing recommended content in Salesforce here. Admins can learn more about installing and configuring the Showpad for Salesforce app here. Showpad Video arrivesAug 31, 2021 With Showpad Video, sellers can record videos straight from anywhere within Showpad, making it easy to send customers personalized messages. On the Web app, users can record directly from their camera or make a screen recording, and the new video will be added to their My Files.Users have the capabilities to review the recorded video and add a thumbnail including a background photo and/or an overlay image, such as a company logo. Users can retroactively add thumbnails to videos recorded before this release as well.Showpad Video is available as an add-on option for Content Plus and Ultimate packages. Learn more about using Showpad Video here. New engagement reporting for Paths in Showpad Coach Aug 31, 2021 We’re continually adding to our engagement reporting abilities, and the newest addition is for our Paths feature in Showpad Coach. These new reports will give you a higher-level understanding of how your users are performing on their Paths and Path Items. To aid you in comparing users and engagement data, options are available to filter Paths by creation date range, User Group, Manager, Path, or Course.As an admin or user with promoted member reporting permissions, you find this new report in the Online Platform under the Engagement Reports tab. Learn more about the new Path engagement reports here. Enhanced My Team hub experience Aug 31, 2021 Improvements in the My Team hub ensure a smoother and faster experience for busy sales managers and admins. The updated UI brings the My Team hub up to speed with the feel of Showpad you’re familiar with, without changing any of the functionality you’re accustomed to.Courses and Paths assigned to users on your team are now organized in a table format with more flexibility and sorting abilities. From a glance you can quickly see due dates, what modules are included in a course, and group assignments. The same tabs are available for the User breakdown, Question Breakdown, and PitchIQ breakdown, and with a more clear UI.Increased performance and pagination means you won’t be slowed down when looking into users’ performance or grading your tests and PitchIQs. Check out the renovated My Team hub here. Add content from Pages and Homepages to Shared SpacesAug 31, 2021 The Home Screen is the first thing Showpad users see when logging into Showpad. Here, they find their recommended content, Experiences, Pages, and more.As an admin, you can even tailor custom Homepages for particular groups of users. We’ve improved this feature so users can add the content displayed on their Home Screen to Shared Spaces. These improvements will help your users to close deals faster, getting content into the hands of their buyers. Likewise, assets found within Pages you create as an admin can also be added to a Shared Space. Learn more about utilizing content from Homepages here. Sharepoint Online support for External Id and extended permissions Aug 31, 2021 With updates coming to our SharePoint connector, admins will now be able to carry over additional fields and permissions from their SharePoint site to their Showpad library. As an admin, you can now configure additional optional columns in your SharePoint document library for External Id, Download Internally, and Download Externally. These values will map to Showpad and reflect the asset’s unique External ID, as well as enhanced download permissions. The External Id property will allow SharePoint admins to be in full control of the sync process, mapping the External Id value to a particular column in SharePoint. Existing SharePoint integration users can read how to update your SharePoint configuration here. Improved content recommendations in SalesforceAug 31 2021 To ensure the ideal content is in the hands of your sales reps at the right stage in their deals, Showpad Salesforce integration enables admins to configure recommended content with more precision.Previously, recommendations were limited to picklist fields from the account, opportunity, lead, contact, and object. Now admins can configure rule-based recommendations for content that use all the Salesforce field types and fields on related objects, including text, value, and multi-value pick lists. Learn more about setting up rule-based recommendations here. Improved adding of Inline Images Aug 31, 2021 We’ve made it easier and more consistent when uploading images to an email template or signature. Using the image option in the Rich Text Editor, you can now upload images directly into your email and email signature, in addition to using the image URL. Learn more about creating email signatures with images here.Read about using images in email shares here. June Release 2021 Smoother Shared Spaces accessJuly 9, 2021 To foster a more effortless experience, we've improved the way external participants access Shared Spaces. Upon invitation, customers can now access the Shared Space without logging in the first time, or by requesting a 1-click login link. This allows them to enter the Shared Space from a single-use link sent to their email, with no password required.This route will allow participants to skip the lengthier “forgot password” flow. Participants who haven’t been invited will also experience a more obvious flow to request access. Updated access to Shared Spaces will be available to Showpad Content Plus and Ultimate customers. Read more about how customers access Shared Spaces here. New course engagement reporting June 22, 2021 A new engagement report arrived in the Online Platform to help you shed light on how your users are completing and engaging with Coach courses. This report provides data on course status, division, due dates, and more. It exists alongside the User engagement tab under the Reports section of the Online Platform. This section will continue to grow as we add new capabilities to track how your peers are using Showpad. Focus on new initiatives that make your process more effective for the whole organization with the ease of information all in one place.This feature will be available to Showpad Coach Plus and Ultimate custom Learn more about Coach engagement reports here. Automatically log in to the Salesforce Showpad Web Tab with SSO June 22, 2021 Using Showpad’s Web tab in Salesforce and Salesforce Experience Cloud is now breezier since we added the ability to automatically log in when Salesforce Single Sign-On is enabled.Once a user logs into Salesforce via SSO, Showpad’s tab will be automatically authenticated, and users are able to access content without an extra login screen.For this functionality, Showpad Content Ultimate customers need to update their Showpad for Salesforce app. Read about the Showpad tab within Salesforce here. MeetingIQ available in 31 languages June 22, 2021 Until now, MeetingIQ was supported in English, but now you can use MeetingIQ in your team’s language. MeetingIQ can now transcribe calls in 31 languages, allowing you to enable your sales reps across the globe.Next to English, there is support for German, French, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and many more. Learn more about using MeetingIQ here. Create and share MeetingIQ Snippets June 22, 2021 With the release of Snippets, MeetingIQ users can now clip fragments of a meeting and share them with their customers, peers, and manager. Within a meeting recording, users can click the Snippet button, select the section of the meeting they found valuable, and then take action.Snippets are downloadable as an MP4, shareable via email, link, or Shared Space. Learn more about sharing MeetingIQ snippets here. Support for USDZJune 22, 2021 Showpad admins can now upload USDZ file types to their library, to improve the user experience for augmented and virtual reality on iOS. This expanded functionality is almost identical to how admins are accustomed to uploading and using 3D models.USDZ support is available to Showpad Content Plus and Ultimate customers. Read about uploading 3D and AR assets here. Upload content directly to Shared Spaces and Collections June 22, 2021 With ease in mind, updates to the user experience associated with My Files, Collections, and Shared Spaces are being rolled out to all Showpad users. These improvements create a more consistent and collaborative experience.Sellers can now upload assets directly to Collections and Shared Spaces, as well as rename assets in My Files, saving time and making it easier to manage their personal assets.Users will find the option to add personal assets directly from their hard drive, by creating a URL asset, or importing content from Google Drive. Read more about uploading assets directly to Shared Spaces here.Read more about uploading directly to Collections here.Learn more about how to rename assets in My Files here. New options for content recommendations in Salesforce Early Access To ensure the ideal content is in the hands of your sales reps at the right stage in their deals, users of our Showpad Salesforce integration can gain early access to a new recommendation experience.Currently, recommendations are limited to picklist fields from the account, opportunity, lead, contact, and object.In this early access program, admins can configure rule-based recommendations for content that use all the Salesforce field types and fields on related objects, including text, value, and multi-value pick lists.This feature is available for early access only. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to aid you in accessing this feature and documentation. April Release 2021 Auto logging MeetingIQ events to Salesforce April 20, 2021 Admins can now enable automatic Salesforce logging for MeetingIQ, making it easier than ever to ensure Showpad meetings are logged to your CRM. Any time a seller finishes a meeting with external participants, it will automatically log to Salesforce as a task. No extra administrative work required for already busy sales reps. Read more about enabling automatic logging here. Compare user engagement with new reporting April 20, 2021 p> New reporting options in the Online Platform make it easy to compare Coach, Content, and Overall user engagement all in one place. A heatmap option helps you gain valuable data knowledge and compare users at a glance. These detailed insights can aid you in taking action to keep groups from falling behind and drill down into specific user sets to see where your focus should be with next-level, actionable insights. Learn more about our new engagement reporting here. Share Showpad content with the new Outreach Galaxy PluginApril 20, 2021 Showpad's new plugin for Outreach plugin is now available in the Outreach Galaxy store to enable sellers to share Showpad content in their Outreach templates, emails, or sequences. As an admin, you can simply install the plugin for all users so they have access right away with no extra admin work on their end. Anytime users are composing shares in Outreach, they will see the Showpad option where they can browse Experiences, My Files, and Collections to select their best content in a way they are familiar with. Read more about installing the plugin here.Learn about sharing content with Outreach here. Get the most out of your content with an updated Asset ViewerApril 20, 2021 Improvements to our asset viewer when viewing content and when taking courses are here to ensure users receive a premium content viewing experience. It's now easy to zoom in and out on PDFs, fit the asset to the screen for nice and easy viewing, and toggle between Portrait single page view or continuous scrolling. In Coach, a brand new right-side panel brings organization and aesthetics to course-taking. On par with the user asset detail pane on the Content side, information during the course such as details, comments, and a place to take notes will be easily accessible via this new collapsible panel. Test results will appear, as well as retake attempts for a one-stop hub to track progress and build knowledge with ease. Read more about the updated asset detail panel here.Check out the updated Coach experience here. Share Pages externallyApril 20, 2021 Let your brilliant customized Pages shine out to the world! Admins can now create shareable Pages, just like other assets. If there is unshareable content within the Page, it will automatically be filtered out in the shared view, so your sellers only see what’s approved and available. This includes expired content and Experiences. Dynamic content filtering will not apply on Shareable Pages, so buyers will see all content included on the Page. Bring the power of your shareable Pages to your sellers, for Showpad Plus and Ultimate. Find out more about enabling Shareable Pages here.Learn about selling with Shareable Pages here. New and improved look to sharingApril 20, 2021 Sellers will notice an updated look for their email sharing UI within Showpad's Web app and Windows Desktop app. Among the improvements is a more spacious text area, for those emails that can't be done in a few lines, as well as an expanded view of their CRM logging. These small changes will make the Showpad email sharing experience feel more like what sellers are familiar with in their go-to email client. Enhanced search results optionsMar 12, 2021 At Showpad, we’re continuously improving our search for sellers. Users now have the option to sort search results based on recency, using a toggle to sort results from newest to oldest or vice versa. Additionally, users may notice updated quick insights and engagement info, including how many times an asset in search results was opened and shared. Learn more about using the search functionality here. February Release 2021 Improved Course Builder experienceFeb 9, 2021 Showpad Coach has enhanced its course building experience with an intuitive layout that allows you to structure your courses with ease. All of the functionality we previously offered is now streamlined into a three-step process with a drag and drop interface. Templates will guide you through some of the admin work by pre-building course layouts for you.Read more about using the updated Course Builder here. Complete Written PitchIQ courses on iOSFeb 9, 2021 Learners on the go can now submit written PitchIQ answers from their mobile iOS devices. These pitches mimic email writing, and it's important for users to be able to complete their pitches and courses on the go, from anywhere! Read more about completing written PitchIQs here. Tag recommendations for adminsFeb 9, 2021 To improve metadata on their assets, admins will be aided with tag recommendations when adding tags to an asset in the content library. Simply clicking on tags will provide a list of recommended tags based on the file name to make your quest to categorize easier than before. Searching for tags by typing them in remains the same, in addition to this new option to browse for tags. Read more about new tag recommendations in this article. Feedback on assets and new activity dashboard Feb 9, 2021 Communication is crucial now more than ever. Users can share feedback directly with authors of marketing content privately, a handy tool that allows for encouragement, constructive comments, and questions directly. Authors will receive an email notification from Showpad whenever feedback is received and will have the option to dismiss or employ the feedback, closing the loop by typing a message back to the reporter. After logging in on the Online Platform, admins will also enjoy a new option on their dashboard to view recent activity, including comments on their assets, expired content, likes, new content, and more. Read more about the admin dashboard and closing the feedback loop here.Learn how to provide feedback as a user in this article. Kick-start and pre-fill an email share using a URL Feb 9, 2021 Developers can now kick-start Showpad email sharing with pre-filled data via URL, creating a smooth and productive flow for sales users. This feature allows sales reps to have a share filled out in advance, making it easy for them to make any final edits and send it out. Anything from the name, email address, subject, email body, or even Showpad assets inserted are all able to be pre-filled. This feature is supported on Showpad’s Web app and iOS app. Learn more about creating pre-filled email shares via URL here. Increased storage limit for personal uploadsFeb 9, 2021 As Showpad continues to improve and add more personalization capabilities, it's important that users are able to store all the content they need. We have increased the personal storage limit for users' My Files. Showpad Essential customers now have 10Gb, and Plus and Ultimate customers will receive unlimited personal storage. Read more about uploading content to My Files here. Spotlight announcements and Home screen for iOSFeb 9, 2021 As previously released for Android users, iOS users are now greeted with Spotlight announcements on a Home tab when using the Showpad app on their device. Similar to other Showpad platforms, up to seven Spotlight announcements give users immediate insights directly from admins for quick information on the go and user-friendly navigation. Learn about the new iOS home screen here. Improved search results and new sharing statsFeb 9, 2021 We've updated the search functionality on our Web apps to return better results for you. Search results will be more relevant because exact matches will be ranked higher, and tag suggestions will be offered as filters to aid in your quest for the best results to share and send. Other search result enhancements will allow users to see engagement statistics, such as views and shares, when hovering over an asset, as well as the option to view results in a comfortable or compact view. Read more about search in Showpad here. Support for Salesforce Communities Feb 9, 2021 Customers utilizing Salesforce Communities now have access to the same benefits of Showpad’s existing Salesforce integration. Showpad now supports the features you know for regular Salesforce for your Salesforce communities as well, such as the Web tab, Activity logging, recommendations, and SSO. This is a handy way to allow Partners, for example, to use the Salesforce integration functionality Showpad offers while not giving them access to more than they need in your Salesforce account. You can configure your Salesforce Communities instance as a separate Salesforce instance in Showpad. Read more about integrating Showpad with Salesforce Communities here. MeetingIQ synced with your MS Outlook CalendarFeb 9, 2021 To save time and stay on track with what's upcoming, users can sync their Outlook Calendars to MeetingIQ. This allows users to skip the step of manually inviting the MeetingIQ Bot to all their meetings. With this integration, the MeetingIQ Bot will be automatically added to any upcoming meetings users have scheduled with external participants and a valid meeting link. Showpad administrators will enable this integration for your entire organization in the Online Platform. This is also currently supported for Google Calendar. Read more about how to sync MeetingIQ with Outlook Calendars here. Customized Homepages for UsersFeb 9, 2021 By default, users see a standard Home screen that features content and announcements after logging into Showpad. As an admin, you can now create customized Homepages, composed of specific content, Experiences, and more, handpicked by you. Homepages can be assigned to user groups, so you can personalize Homepage content to specific sets of users. Utilizing customized Homepages ensures you have full control over what users see when logging in to the Web app or Windows Desktop app. Spotlight announcements and recommendations will not be supported on customized Homepages. When users are not assigned a custom Homepage, they will default to the standard Home screen. Read more about creating custom homepages for users here. Improved sorting in Smart Folders and smart asset blocksFeb 9, 2021 New improvements to asset sorting in Smart Folders and smart asset blocks make for a more natural order for users to view content, making it much easier to scan a list of files sorted alphabetically. Sorting will be case-insensitive, digits will appear after characters and symbols, and digits will be grouped together and then sorted numerically. Updating the Windows Desktop App Feb 9, 2021 We've simplified the process of making sure your Windows Desktop app is up to date. There is no longer the need for a dual restart to activate the new updates. Any time a new version of the Web app is deployed, it will be downloaded but not yet activated. When users restart their Windows Desktop App, the new version of the Web app will be activated automatically. Revamped card design for Pages Feb 9, 2021 A new menu is available on cards within Pages, making it easy to quickly take action on assets. While engaging prospects and customers with Pages, users can now select the menu from any asset card to share via email, get a link, or add to a Collection. Users can also still select multiple assets at once to share. Read more about engaging prospects with Pages here. Improvements to Smart Folder duplication processFeb 9, 2021 We've implemented some changes to the experience of duplicating Smart Folders, making it easier to do in one swoop. This allows you to easily reuse a folder's structure, content, and design, cutting down on your administrative tasks at hand. You can now duplicate a Smart Folder and change the criteria and location, including making a copy to an Experience within another Division, in one go. Read more about duplicating Smart Folders here. Related articles 2025 2020 2022 Guide to Showpad Video 2023