Follow a Path while learning Updated November 15, 2024 21:12 In addition to Courses, your administrator may assign you learning Paths to help with product certifications, sales skills certifications, or internal process changes. If Courses are one-off learning opportunities, think of Paths as a way to get from Point A to Point B. Paths are thoughtfully sequenced and can include Courses, online tasks, and offline tasks. Not only will these help you keep the many tasks at hand easier to remember, but you’ll always know what’s expected of you by your admin by following your Path. Key features Keep track of your learning Path Complete a mix of Courses and tasks Mark items as complete and track your progress You need this to succeed A Coach license Paths provided by your admin The quick way to awesomeness Navigate to your Paths to do Finish tasks and then mark them as complete Work through Courses included within the Path Track your progress along the way Choose your success platform iOS Android Windows Desktop Web App See how it works on iOS See how it's done on iOS Note: If a path includes a course containing a PitchIQ webcam component, record and submit your pitch using the iOS app. All other PitchIQ types can be completed using the Web app on your computer browser. Navigate to the Coaching tab. Select the Path you want to work on from the My Courses & Paths section. To see all Courses and Paths assigned to you, tap View All. Read the Path due date, time to completion, and description. Time to completion is the total amount of time your admin estimates each component will take, in minutes. All the tasks and courses that make up the Path are listed below the details. Once you've finished a task, tap Mark as Complete. To work on a course within a path, tap the course to open the Course Overview. Complete courses within a Path the same way you would complete an individual course. For more information on completing courses, read about completing courses with Coach. From the Course Overview, you can return to the Path by tapping the Path title in the top left. See how it works on Android See how it's done on Android Note: If your course includes a Test, you will be taken to a mobile web browser to complete it. PitchIQ submissions must be completed using the Web app. Navigate to the Coaching tab. Select the Path you want to work on from the My Courses & Paths section. To see all Courses and Paths assigned to you, tap View All. Read the Path due date, time to completion, and description. Time to completion is the total amount of time your admin estimates each component will take, in minutes. All the tasks and courses that make up the Path are listed below the details. Click on a task to view more info. Once you've finished a task, tap Mark as Complete. To work on a course within a path, tap the course to open the Course Overview. Complete courses within a Path the same way you would complete an individual course. For more information on completing courses, read about completing courses with Coach. From the Course Overview, you can return to the Path by tapping the back icon in the top left. See how it works on the Windows Desktop App See how it's done on the Windows Desktop app From the Coaching menu, select My Assignments. In the Paths to Do tile, click View. You can filter your Paths by Due Date or Progress. To sort your Paths, select Due Date, Recent Activity, or Progress on the top right. To search your Paths, type in a keyword in the search box in the left column and relevant Paths will populate. Once you've found the Path you want to work on, click Start Path or Resume. If you click into the Path tile instead, you will see the Path overview and structure. Read more about the Path overview here. Each Course or task that makes up the Path is listed under My Path Progress. Click on a task to read the task description. Once you're done with the task, click Mark as Complete. Click the task or Course title to minimize the details. Click any Course, then click View Course to see the Course overview. Complete Courses within a Path the same way you would complete an individual Course. For more information on completing Courses, read about completing Courses with Coach. After finishing the Course, rate or close it. You will then return to the Path overview. The Course will be marked complete. You will see a checkmark next to all the Courses and tasks within a Path once you've completed everything. See how it works on the Web App See how it's done on the Web app From the Coaching menu, select My Assignments. In the Paths to Do tile, click View. You can filter your Paths by Due Date or Progress. To sort your Paths, select Due Date, Recent Activity, or Progress on the top right. To search your Paths, type in a keyword in the search box in the left column, and relevant Paths will populate. Once you've found the Path you want to work on, click Start Path or Resume. If you click into the Path tile instead, you will see the Path overview and structure. Read more about the Path overview here. Each Course or task that makes up the Path is listed under My Path Progress. Click on a task to read the task description. Once you're done with the task, click Mark as Complete. Click the task or Course title to minimize the details. Click any Course, then click View Course to see the Course overview. Complete Courses within a Path the same way you would complete an individual Course. For more information on completing Courses, read about completing Courses with Coach. After finishing the Course, rate or close it. You will then return to the Path overview. The Course will be marked complete. You will see a checkmark next to all the Courses and tasks within a Path once you've completed everything. Related articles Complete Courses with Coach Follow up on your tasks using My Assignments Complete a test or survey See the structure of a Path Use SCORM Courses to unify online learning