Present mode for assets in Showpad Updated November 19, 2024 19:40 Effortlessly present slide decks, files, and Collections in the Showpad Web App, with convenient access to your speaker notes and presentation controls. The presenter window ensures you stay organized and deliver pitches confidently. When you enter present mode, your controls and notes open in a separate browser window, allowing you to share your Showpad content in one tab during virtual meetings while keeping your notes private in another. Present through an engaging Experience, or a tailored Collection in one go. Note: You can also view some Microsoft PPTX in a native Microsoft viewer within Showpad and personalize the content. Learn more about sharing natively and personalizing presentations here. Key features Present files, Collections, and slides in Showpad View speaker notes and presenting tools in a separate window Share just the Showpad tab and keep your controls and notes private You need this to succeed Showpad content package Showpad Web App Access to content in your Experiences, My Files, Collections, or Homepage/Home Screen To view speaker notes: Assets that support speaker notes (GSLIDE, PPTX, or PPSX files) Assets with speaker notes permission enabled by your admin See how it's done Navigate to the content you wish to share on the Showpad Web App. This could be within an Experience, My Files, a Homepage, or a Collection you’ve created. In the Asset Viewer, click the Present button in the top menu. A new window will open with your controls and speaker notes. The present window has various options to help control your presentation. Click the navigation icon in the top left to open the presentation thumbnails in the left side menu. The timer helps keep track of the time you've spent on your presentation. Use the Pause, Resume, and Reset options to control the timer. View the speaker notes associated with any slide presentations in the notes section. Note that speaker notes is a permission admins can control per asset. They will be available if they were already added to a presentation, and that presentation has the permission enabled to show speaker notes. Note: This article is about the new beta Admin App, which is still in development. Changes may occur. Please provide feedback directly in the beta app. Click the zoom in or zoom out icons to make the text smaller or larger. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through the presentation. Related articles Customize Showpad navigation on your iPad Present and personalize Microsoft Office files in Showpad View assets with Showpad's Asset Viewer Gain deeper understanding with AnalyticsIQ Managing your integrations