Provide and receive feedback on PitchIQ submissions Updated November 06, 2024 07:00 An important part of developing the skill set to always deliver well-honed pitches is the ability to receive meaningful feedback from peers and managers. Feedback from people in the same field can be very beneficial to improving your pitch. Your peers or manager will provide feedback on all the selected criteria, and you can provide PitchIQ feedback to your peers to allow for continual improvement. In your My Assignments tab, you will find your assignment as the scorer if your admin has enabled PitchIQ peer review. If you're a manager and the Course is configured to have managers provide reviews, you will also see your team's pitches to score in the My Assignments tab. Key features Using the grading criteria, score your team or peer's PitchIQ submission Provide valuable feedback so your colleagues can continue to improve their pitch View the feedback your peers provided you You need this to succeed PitchIQ A Coach license Pitches that have been assigned to you for peer review Feedback provided to you by your peers The quick way to awesomeness Navigate to the My Assignments tab Open the PitchIQs to Review tile Score on the criteria and provide positive feedback and constructive criticism Review the feedback you've received on your pitches Choose your success platform iOS Windows Desktop Web App See how it works on iOS See how it's done on iOS Using the iOS mobile app, users can review all pitch types, such as written, audio, webcam, screencast, and file uploads. Navigate to the Coaching tab on your Showpad iOS app. Under the My Courses & Paths section, you will find the Pitch IQs to Review section. Select the pitch you wish to review, or tap View All. Choose a pitch to review from the To Do tab. If you want to resubmit feedback, select a pitch from the Completed tab. Tap the play button to watch the PitchIQ Submission. Use the slider scale toggles to rate the pitch based on the provided criteria. Next, provide optional written feedback in the Positive and Constructive Feedback text boxes. Type your feedback, then click Save. When you're ready, click Submit in the top right. You will have the option to continue to the next PitchIQ awaiting your review or to Close the review. Viewing your PitchIQ feedback To view the feedback you've received on completed PitchIQs, navigate to the Coaching tab, then select View All in the My Courses & Paths section. Tap the Completed tab, then select the PitchIQ Course for which you want to see the feedback. In the PitchIQ tile within the Course Structure tab, you will see the score your pitch received. Tap the PitchIQ tile to view the pitch. At the top, you will see the Leaderboard for the particular pitch if enabled by your admin. View your Official Average and Total Average scores by toggling between tabs. The average scores are calculated by taking the average of all submitted individual metric scores (or of all official score metrics) and then rounding down to the nearest 10. For example, if one reviewer scored the Accuracy as 10 and another scored the Accuracy as 9, the resulting accuracy score would be rounded to 9. Then, the score found from each metric category is averaged for the total score. Tap See Full Review to see any single review and read the written feedback. If you fail a PitchIQ, your admin can revert your pitch to a draft. If this happens, you will receive an email notification and have a chance to resubmit your PitchIQ. See how it works on the Windows Desktop app See how it's done on the Windows Desktop app Submitting PitchIQ feedback From the Coaching menu, select My Assignments. Within the PitchIQs to Review tile you will see how many submissions await your review. Click View. Click Review on the PitchIQ submission you wish to review. The pitch appears in a pop-up. Review the pitch goal and submission date at the top. Click play to watch the pitch submission. You can view, rewind, and replay the pitch video while scoring. After watching the video, use the slider toggles to rate the pitch based on the selected attributes. You can view the passing score and how the overall score is affected by your toggling. Provide written feedback in the Positive and Constructive Feedback text boxes. When you're ready, click Submit Review. Viewing your PitchIQ feedback To view the feedback you've received on completed PitchIQs, select Library from the Coaching menu. Select the PitchIQ Course for which you want to see the feedback. Click Review your pitch from the Pitch component in the Course overview. View your total average score and the average score for each metric. The total average score is calculated by taking the average of all submitted individual metric scores and then rounding down to the nearest 10. For example, if one reviewer scored the Accuracy as 10 and another scored the Accuracy as 9, the resulting accuracy score would be rounded to 9. Then, the score found from each metric category is averaged for the total score. In the Reviews section, you can see all the submitted reviews and any provided written feedback. Click the top of the review to expand or collapse the details. If you fail a PitchIQ, your admin has the option to revert your pitch to a draft. If this happens, you will receive an email notification, and you will have a chance to resubmit your PitchIQ. See how it works on the Web app See how it's done on the Web app Submitting PitchIQ feedback From the Coaching menu, select My Assignments. Within the PitchIQs to Review tile, you will see how many submissions await your review. Click View. Click Review on the PitchIQ submission you wish to review. The pitch appears in a pop-up. Review the pitch goal and submission date at the top. Click play to watch the pitch submission. You can view, rewind, and replay the pitch video while scoring. After watching the video, use the slider toggles to rate the pitch based on the selected attributes. You can view the passing score and how the overall score is affected by your toggling. Provide written feedback in the Positive and Constructive Feedback text boxes. When you're ready, click Submit Review. Viewing your PitchIQ feedback To view the feedback you've received on completed PitchIQs, select Library from the Coaching menu. Select the PitchIQ Course for which you want to see the feedback. Click Review your pitch from the Pitch component in the Course overview. View your total average score and the average score for each metric. The total average score is calculated by taking the average of all submitted individual metric scores and then rounding down to the nearest 10. For example, if one reviewer scored the Accuracy as 10 and another scored the Accuracy as 9, the resulting accuracy score would be rounded to 9. Then, the score found from each metric category is averaged for the total score. In the Reviews section, you can see all the submitted reviews and any provided written feedback. Click the top of a review to expand or collapse the details. If you fail a PitchIQ, your admin can revert your pitch to a draft. If this happens, you will receive an email notification and have a chance to resubmit your PitchIQ. Related articles Guide to using Showpad Coach See top rated Pitches on the Social page Setting up PitchIQ modules Refresh review assignments and customize PitchIQ scoring metrics Record and submit PitchIQs