Compare assets and tags with Scorecards Updated February 05, 2025 08:06 Asset and tag Scorecards give admins a detailed view of items from the question-based analytics Details table. Quickly see key data for an asset or tag and compare it to another. Within the Scorecard, compare an asset or tag to another asset or tag and customize metrics or grouping types. Tag Scorecards lets admins view all assets with a specific tag, providing a complete overview of Coach and Content data for an enablement program. You can open a Scorecard from the Files library or within a question-based analytics dashboard that contains a Details table. See how it looks Key Features Compare asset and tag performance View important data about a tag or asset at a glance Visualize selected metrics and groupings in a graph You need this to succeed Plan: eOS Expert, eOS Advanced, eOS Professional Previous plan: Showpad Coach Essential, Showpad Content Essential, or higher Permissions: Administrator, Promoted Member with Reporting permission Prerequisites: Data in your question-based analytics dashboard containing a Details table Do this step by step Navigate to the Analytics tab. Open a question-based analytics dashboard that contains a Details table, for example, the Content Popularity dashboard. Select to view the Details breakdown by tag or asset. Click on an item name (either asset or tag) to view the Scorecard. To view an asset's Scorecard in the Files library, click the Open scorecard icon at the top of the details panel of your selected file. When the Scorecard opens, you first see an overview. For asset Scorecards, this information includes the asset type, creation date, and authors. For tag Scorecards, you see the creation date, the number of assets and Courses assigned to the tag, and the tag categories.To view the tag or asset in your library, click View in Library. Select a Start date and End date to determine what data is included in the Scorecard. To choose another tag or asset to compare to, start typing the name in the Compare to field, then click Search and select it from the dropdown. Use the graph to zoom in on details of a certain metric. For example, you can see the internal views on both assets per month. Using the two lines, you can compare these metrics with the other objects on the graph. Select a metric, then use the grouping option to select from what angle you wish to view the metrics (time, users, user groups, page, etc). The data will be presented within the timeframe selected in the Scorecard. Hover over the graph and click the three dot menu to view the summary data, or export it to a CSV. Lastly, the Compare performance section of the Scorecard allows you to check all the metrics for both compared assets or tags within a table. Each entity will have its own column in the data table. In the Tag Scorecard Compare performance table, compare Course and asset data for the selected tag(s). Hover over the table, click the three dot menu to hide or show the + and - signs, or export the data to CSV or Excel. Use the arrows to maximize the table window. Generate and download a PDF of the whole Scorecard by clicking the downloads icon in the top right and choosing the relevant option. Related articles Install the Next-Generation SharePoint Connector Create and assign Competencies and roles Gain deeper understanding with AnalyticsIQ Saving and exporting Showpad Coach reports Managing Showpad support cases