Rename Pages for user clarity Updated January 20, 2025 14:36 Note: This article is about the new beta Admin App, which is still in development. Changes may occur. Please provide feedback directly in the beta app. When you import an asset to your Files library, the original filename is used in Showpad. These filenames are displayed in the Showpad user apps. Customers and prospects see the same filename when your users share the content. You can modify an asset’s filename to something easy for everyone to understand, avoiding confusion and clutter. To help your users find the assets they need, it's important to name your files in a way that reflects their content accurately and contextually. Here are some tips: Think about your audience when naming the files. Use descriptive and concise titles that capture the essence of the file. Include relevant keywords that a sales rep might use when searching for that type of content. Avoid using jargon or abbreviations that may not be universally understood. Note: While you can use special characters, be mindful of how your users search for content. When adding a hyphen to an asset name, for example, "intro-deck", the asset gets treated as two separate words in the search results, "intro", and "deck." See how it looks Key features Use a filename that describes your asset You can use special !***@#characters#@***! You cannot rename assets in the Admin App that were synced using Cloud Storage via Google, Dropbox, Sharepoint, or Box You need this to succeed The beta Admin App enabled Feature availability depends on your subscription package Do this step by step Navigate to the Libraries tab. If your organization uses multiple Libraries, select the desired Library from the top-left dropdown menu. Click Pages in the left menu to open the Pages library, then click All Pages. Select the Page you want to rename. Click the name in the details panel to edit it. Enter the new name and click Save changes. The filename is now updated in the library and will appear in the apps as soon as users update their content. Learn how this feature works in the current Online Platform. Related articles Verify a user's mobile app version Win Rate: How do courses influence win rate? Set a release and expiry date for files Add a Page description Verify a user's push notifications settings