Track sales paths with Navigation Analytics Updated February 05, 2025 08:03 Showpad allows you to go beyond understanding what content works to close deals. Navigation Analytics gives you detailed and meaningful insight into the narrative flow behind how sales reps maneuver their conversations with prospects. This visual mapping feature and the accompanying data allow a deeper dive into how users move through an Experience and discover assets. You can evaluate the performance of Pages as well as general assets. In addition, you can view and compare the most common conversation paths your users take. As marketers, this valuable information can aid you in optimizing and organizing content in a manner that best serves your users. Landing important deals faster when interacting with potential clients is possible with the optimal content at the right moment during their sales conversation. In the long run, this data will significantly help drive your marketing strategy and increase team performance by optimizing your Experiences. See how it looks Key features Overview of how sales reps navigate sales conversations on the Web App and mobile apps Easily examine the five most common narratives taken by users Deeper insights into Mapper and Atom Experience content, including Pages Ability to filter the data by users, user groups, dates, and Experience Navigation Analytics that occur offline will be recorded when the user connects to the internet again You need this to succeed Plan: eOS Expert, eOS Advanced, eOS Professional Previous plan: Showpad Content Plus or higher Permissions: Administrator, Promoted Member with Reporting permission Prerequisites: Sharing activity in the Atom or Mapper Experience The quick way Login to Showpad's Admin App as an admin or Promoted Member Click the Analytics tab and navigate to Navigation Analytics Set your available filters: Date Range, Experience, User Group, and Users Click User Flow to get detailed conversational insights Click Data for quick access to an overview of top conversations Do this step by step Navigate to the Analytics tab in the Admin App Select Navigation Analytics in the Reports section of the left menu under Content. Set the filters: Date range and Experience are mandatory, while user group and users are optional. These filters are the same for both the User Flow and Data tabs. If you are filtering by multiple user groups, including anonymized users, and a certain user is a member of both, then they will appear as anonymous. In these situations, the anonymization status will always take priority. Back to Top User Flow The user flow tab is where the mapping of sales conversations resides. Each column within the conversation path represents an interaction. An interaction is defined as a unique step within a sequence of clicks. For example, an initial click is the first interaction. The second click is the second interaction, and so on. Within these interactions are touchpoints represented by the colored boxes. Touchpoints represent a unique element clicked on in that exact step, such as a node or a Page. Note: Conversations are defined as individual sessions. For example, when you open an Atom Experience and click through assets, the whole flow counts as one conversation. Because touchpoints are represented by the unique identifier of that object, there will be situations in the Mapper Experience where the clickable item does not require a name. You will see this when using hotspots, click zones, text, and images in your Experience. In those cases, a default label will be applied to that element which will be reflected in the navigation path. Typically this default label will take on the naming convention of whatever the element points to. In the example below, a click zone was created. The click zone was configured to point to another map in the Experience. When you do this, the label is updated to the name of the map it points to. When you view the path later, that touchpoint will be identified the same way so you can identify what was viewed. To change this label to something more preferred, go to the Experience Builder and edit the map configuration. Note: Once changed, your new report label immediately captures all subsequent interactions while retaining the previous label’s name in historical data. The report label field will be available for all the elements that do not require naming when you click the details for that element on the left-hand side. If the clickable element does not point to anything, the report label will default to indicate what type of element is being clicked, plus a numbering scheme (e.g., Click zone 33569 or Hotspot 43251). This is so you can still identify what was clicked even though it does not have a specific name. Note: Interactions are grouped to give a more accurate picture of what is occurring. For example, if you view an asset, share it with someone, and then view it again, this will all count as one interaction. One feature of this conversation path mapping is that the touchpoints are proportionate to scale with the total conversations. This allows you to easily visualize what percentage of total traffic followed a specific path.When you hover over a touchpoint, it will indicate the number of users that clicked the node, the total number of clicks, and the drop-off percentage. Drop-off refers to the point at which the conversation ceases, and no further clicks occur from the last touchpoint.Pages usually show multiple assets. Like the nodes analytics, you can also see the number of users and clicks on these Pages.If a node points to an external or asset URL, this will also be indicated in the data when you hover over the touchpoint.Where touchpoints lead to activity with an asset, it will be indicated by showing asset interaction in the conversation path. Hovering over these specific touchpoints, you will see two available lists: Viewed Assets and Shared Assets. These assets will be listed by their filename so you can see exactly which assets garner the most interaction in any given conversation. The area between progressing touchpoints in a conversation is referred to as connectors. These represent the movement from one touchpoint to the next and contain helpful data. Hovering over these connectors will show you the number of users moving to the next touchpoint, the total number of clicks, and the percentage of converted clicks. This example shows the transition from the first interaction with the Experience into the second.On the flip side, you can also see where a drop-off of a particular touchpoint occurred. This is represented by a red section on the touchpoint. Both connectors and drop-offs are illustrated to scale. For example, a drop-off rate of 33% will show a red section encompassing one-third of the touchpoint from where it dropped off.One of the many valuable tools within navigation analytics is the ability to view up to the five most common paths taken by your sales reps. To enable this capability, check the Most Common Path checkbox in the upper left corner of any user flow.You can highlight one or more common paths to have them revealed in the user flow by clicking and highlighting them in the available key. When you click more than one, they will layer in a staggered orientation. This lets you easily compare the paths to one another. Hovering over them will show the number of conversations, the average total time to complete that particular path, and the number of unique users who took that path.You may want to independently view a specific conversation path within the flow to drill down into the details. You can do so by clicking on the interaction, which will freeze that path. This allows you to look into specific interactions without highlighting alternative paths within the same filter configuration.If you're seeking overall numbers for one of these paths, hover over the key to see the total number of times this particular conversation path was taken, the average time this conversation took, and the total number of users who followed this path. With this data, please note that these are not unique figures but are based on totals only.To retain the full conversation path, Showpad will keep a session active until 30 minutes of inactivity have occurred, at which point the session will end. This means users can click out of an Experience and return without losing the context of the sales flow they may have been in the middle of. You can also set a minimum and maximum path length to exclude long paths where reps may have been clicking through many different nodes and assets while reviewing or familiarizing themselves with the content in their account. Note: If the path length does not meet the minimum set by you in the filter but it still matches the path until it ends, this conversation will funnel up into the main path to include the relevant data on that particular flow. Back to Top Data The data tab can be looked at like a heat map of sorts. It allows you a quick and easy means to check out the effectiveness of your Experiences as they are currently configured. Similar to viewing data on a specific piece of content, you can access comparable information here. This includes a highlights header which gives a summary indicating the total number of conversations, average time per conversation, number of unique users, number of in-app asset views, and the total number of asset Shares.You will also notice a Touchpoint Interactions table listing the top interactions for the Experience based on how the information is filtered. The table includes total clicks and unique clicks. One valuable piece of data is the percent of all clicks column. This way, you can easily see which pieces of content are generating the most interest overall and which may need a second look.Insights into Pages can also help you design and drive your approach to utilize Showpad Experiences. The Top Pages table gives insights into the number of unique users viewing each Page, total visits, total asset views, and total asset Shares. Like the Top Touchpoints table, you can sort in ascending or descending order by clicking the desired column header. Getting detailed data on these pages will help you find potential gaps in your Experiences' structure and preferred content. With this information, you can continually improve how your sales team closes deals with the most effective conversations. 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