Enable Showpad activity logging for MS Dynamics 365 Updated February 05, 2025 17:19 This article explains how to enable the MS Dynamics integration in Showpad's Admin App. This allows tracking Showpad sharing activity in MS Dynamics 365 and shows how buyers are engaging with marketing-approved content. After enabling the Showpad activity logging, Showpad Shares will be logged as task (activity) objects on an MS Dynamics 365 object. Shares will be logged to a single account, opportunity, contact, or lead in MS Dynamics 365. Tip: This article is the second part of the Guide to integrating Showpad and MS Dynamics. See how it looks Key features Enable Showpad activity logging in MS Dynamics 365 Let sellers see the activity on a Showpad Share in MS Dynamics 365 Logging an activity is supported on MS Dynamics 365 You need this to succeed Plan: eOS Expert, eOS Advanced, eOS Professional Previous plan: Showpad Content Ultimate Permissions: Administrator Prerequisites: Admin privileges on MS Dynamics 365 platforms Showpad Insights App installed in your MS Dynamics 365 environment Config: The Organization Secret, generated while configuring Showpad's Insights App MS Dynamics tenant URL and Entra tenant ID MS Dynamics primary user email address must match the Showpad user email address The quick way In the Admin App, open Settings, scroll to Integrations and select CRM Add the generated Organization Secret Use the tenant URL and the Entra tenant ID Save the settings in Showpad Sign in with your MS Dynamics account Do this step by step Click the gear icon in the Admin App to open Settings. In the left side menu, scroll to Integrations and select CRM. Click Connect to CRM. Provide a name for the connection in the Alias field. In the CRM Instance dropdown menu, select Microsoft Dynamics. Add the Microsoft Dynamics Instance URL and Microsoft Entra tenant ID. Click Connect to Microsoft Dynamics. By default, Showpad users can log Shares to a single Account, Opportunity, Contact, or Lead - reflecting the single 'regarding' field in the created Dynamics Task. As an admin, you can enable logging to multiple records to ensure a Showpad Share appears on all relevant timelines. Enabling this will create a separate Task record, one for each record, within Dynamics.To allow activity logging to multiple records, navigate to the Showpad data to CRM section and click Edit. Select whether Share activity can be logged to multiple CRM records, or just one. If enabled, users will be able to log relevant Shares to multiple CRM records, creating an activity on the timeline of each record in MS Dynamics.Click Save once your selection is made. Scroll down to the Showpad Widget section and click Edit next to Organization Secret. Enter the Organization Secret and click Save. It’s possible to configure the Insights App from multiple CRM instances. In that case, you enter the Organization Secret from each instance, separating them with commas.Example: secretNumber1,secretNumber2. Authenticate with the Microsoft Dynamics account. This account must be an admin in both Showpad and MS Dynamics. Make sure that the primary email of this user is the same as the email address used for Showpad. Enable Consent on behalf of your organization. The connection will be verified and added to the CRM configuration. Users will now be able to log any email Share and Shared Space they create to a Microsoft Dynamics 365 object on the Web App or Showpad iOS app. This will log to a single account, opportunity, contact, or lead. You can streamline the logging of Share activity to MS Dynamics and help ensure that sellers consistently log their interactions by enabling automatic logging by default.In admin Settings, select CRM in the Integrations section, then click the Settings button and select the checkbox for Enable CRM logging by default. Click Save. If you have multiple Dynamics instances connected, when users enable Log to Dynamics on their Shares for the first time, they will choose which instance is relevant to them. After they authenticate their Dynamics account, the Shares will be logged. Now that Showpad activity logging for MS Dynamics is enabled, you can finish the configuration in MS Dynamics. The next step will make the Showpad Insights App visible for users in the MS Dynamics platform. Related articles Making the Showpad Insights App visible in MS Dynamics Guide to Integrating Showpad and MS Dynamics Embed Showpad within MS Dynamics Give users more permissions as Promoted Members API actions in HTML content