Create a Path to organize training initiatives Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Learning happens online, offline, during day-to-day activities, and beyond. With Paths, you can incorporate live tasks and Courses to improve certifications, onboarding, and ongoing learning goals. These help users complete all the required items for their onboarding and training. Paths allow flexibility in how Courses and tasks are assigned. For example, certain Courses should be taken after others. Using Paths, you can control the order in which you would like users to complete items on their list. Reporting is available for Paths, similar to Courses, to help provide insights into team performance. See how it looks Key features Guide users to complete Courses and various tasks in an organized way Manage the order of completion for tasks and Courses Structure different initiatives all in one place: onboarding, processes, and beyond Time to completion shows how long it will take to follow a Path You need this to succeed Plan: eOS Expert, eOS Advanced, eOS Professional Previous plan: Showpad Coach Essential or higher Permissions: Administrator, Promoted Member The quick way Create a Path in the Path Builder Add Path items Assign groups and users to the Path Publish the Path Do this step by step Create a Path Assign Paths View a summary Create a Path Navigate to the Libraries tab. From the left side menu, click Paths, then select All Paths. Click New Path. Give your Path a Title. Write a Description for the Path. This description is visible in the tiles that users see on the Home Screen. Choose a default cover image or add a custom one. The image helps distinguish Paths and appears in the tiles your users see. It must be at least 800px by 400px and in PNG or JPG format. To copy the content from previously created Paths and Curriculums, click the Copy from Curriculum or Path drop-down. Select the Path or Curriculum you wish to copy from. If you want to assign an existing Course to the Path, search through existing Courses and curriculums on the left side and click to add the Course. To browse Courses, click the Curriculum title to expand the Courses to choose from. Courses not part of a Curriculum are listed under Independent Courses. To add a new item to the Path, click Create Path Item. You can choose to add a Task, Course, or Live training. To add a Task, give it a Title and Description. If applicable, enter a URL related to the task. You can also add a Time to Completion. This will be used to calculate how long it will take for users to finish the Path. Click Add to Path. To add a Course, give it a Title and Description. Click Add to Path. Later, you can build the new Course by clicking the pencil icon next to the Course title in the Path contents section To add a Live Training, give it a Title and Description. Click Save and Create Sessions. Navigate to the following article to learn all about creating Live Training sessions. Live Training items can only be added to a Path that is already created. Once your Path items are created, you can edit them by clicking the pencil icon. Editing a Course will take you to the Course Builder. Editing a Live Training will take you to the session editing window. Note: Before you proceed to edit your Items, click Save to make sure your Path is saved. To remove a Path item, click the X icon. Rearrange the Path items by dragging and dropping them in the desired order. Click Save & Continue to go to the next step. Back to Top Assign Paths After adding items to your Path, you can assign users and groups. To assign users or groups to the Path, click the name of the group or user from the left side menu. To search for a group or a user, type in the search bar. Note: When a Course is added to a Path, any users assigned to the Course will be overridden by the Path's assignments. This means that only the groups and users assigned at the Path level will be considered. The users and/or groups will now be listed in the Path assignment table. You can assign a required or elective status by clicking the Status field and selecting an option from the dropdown menu. Optionally, add a rolling or fixed due date. Automatic reminders are sent to users when you add a due date. To do so, click the value in the Due Date field, then select: None. Fixed, and select a date. Rolling, and select the number of days after the Path is assigned that it will be due. Rolling due dates are only applicable to groups. Click Save. You can stagger Courses or tasks by giving individual items separate due dates. Add an individual user to give them their own dates, reminders, and assignments. Note: When due dates are assigned at the overall Path level and not for each individual Path item, reporting will not show individual Path items as overdue. To copy due dates and reminders across multiple groups and users assigned to a Path, click the three dot menu in the header row and select Bulk copy due dates and reminder days. Select which field setting to copy (Status, Due Dates, Reminder Days, or All), then choose the group or user to copy from in the dropdown menu. Click Save to apply the settings to all other users and groups. Note: When rolling due dates are copied over in bulk, they only apply to selected groups, not individuals. This is because individuals can be assigned their own date and have it edited to their specific timeline by their admin or manager. To send a reminder to all the groups and users to finish the Path, click the three dot menu in the header row and select Remind all users & groups. Click the Priority tab to view details on individual user’s assignments and to keep track of who has been assigned within a group or as an individual user. The Priority Group setting determines if the group or individual Path status, due dates, and reminders will be displayed. By default, when a user is added as an individual, they will show on the Priority tab with Individual listed as the dominant selection, regardless of whether they’re also in a group. You can change this back to group status by selecting the dropdown menu labeled Individual and choosing a group. Note: If an individual’s priority changes, they will no longer appear as an individual assignee on the Users & Groups tab. Use this tab to keep track of all assignees and make changes as needed at any time in your Path process. Back on the Users & Groups tab, you can unassign a Path by clicking the three dot menu in that person or group’s row. Select Unassign from Path. When you unassign a user or group from a Path, you'll be asked if you want to remove them from all tasks and Courses in the Path or just from the tasks. Make a selection, then click Remove. Click Save & continue to view the Path summary. Back to Top Path summary The last section of the Path creation summarizes the current setup. By default, assigned users will be sent an invitation email for Required and Elective Paths. To disable this, slide the Send Path Invitation Email? toggle to the left. You can only send invitation emails before publishing a Path. The table shows an overview of the details of your Path. Once you've reviewed all the Path details, click Save if you still want to work on the Path later on. Otherwise, click Save & Publish. All Courses in the Path must be published before the Path can be published. You cannot add Courses that are in development to a published Path. Adjust the Path invitation if you want, then click Send. If your Path is already published, you will just save your changes. You see a summary of the invitation emails that went out. Back In the Paths library, Click the Path to view and edit an overview of the Path in the details panel. Back to Top Related articles Create Live Training sessions and track attendance Create Paths to organize training initiatives Manage Paths in the Paths library Set up a PitchIQ module Using Pages in Experiences