Compare users with User Engagement reports Updated February 05, 2025 08:03 Use Showpad’s detailed user engagement reporting to compare content and Coach user metrics, with view options to aggregate data by User, Manager, Direct Manager, Group, and Division. Split into three sections, it's easy to examine Coach, content, and overall user engagement in one place. A heatmap option helps you gain insight and compare users at a glance. These detailed insights will aid you in taking action to keep groups from falling behind and drill down into specific user sets to see where your focus should be with next-level, actionable insights. On the content side, engagement reporting includes metrics like Collections created, the number of active Shared Spaces users, total Shares, and more. On the Coach side, engagement reporting includes metrics like Course completion percentage, the number of overdue Courses assigned to a user, average test scores, and more. Additionally, admins will find a Comparison report within the engagement reporting that compares Divisions, Users, User groups, or Managers with each other based on active days in Showpad with an easy-to-digest line graph. See how it looks Key features View Content and Coach metrics all in one place View all metrics in a relevant time period Use the heat map to gain insights quickly Compare engagement stats between Divisions, Users, Groups, or Managers Reporting data is refreshed every 24 hours You need this to succeed Plan: eOS Expert, eOS Advanced, eOS Professional Previous plan: Showpad Coach Essential, Showpad Content Essential, or higher Permissions: Administrator, Promoted Member with Reporting permission The quick way Navigate to the Analytics tab Select Details from the left menu to view detailed user engagement metrics Select Comparison from the left menu to compare stats between Divisions, Users, Groups, or Managers Do this step by step User Engagement Details Navigate to the Analytics tab in the Admin App Select Details in the Reports section of the left menu under User Engagement. To start, select a view from the View by field, depending on how you want to group users to compare data. Select Division, Manager, Direct Manager, User Group, or User. Whichever filter you choose will allow you to compare various user sets in your Showpad instance regarding Overall engagement, Content engagement, and Coach engagement. You can filter by Manager, who oversees one or multiple groups of users. Additionally, you can select a Direct Manager, a person assigned to single users at a time. If desired, choose a date range for which you want to compare data. Next, if applicable, select which Divisions you want to compare. Check the box for each Division, then click Save. If you're viewing the Manager, Direct Manager, User Group, or User filter, you can now also select to filter which Managers and/or user groups you wish to view. Check the boxes, then click Save. Lastly, filter users with the User Status. Check the box for Active, Inactive, and/or Deleted to determine which users will populate the reporting chart. By default, all users will be shown. Use the options at the top right to show or hide filters, add or remove fields in the report, view the heat map, or download the report as a CSV file. When the Heat map overlay option is toggled on, you can immediately compare users' engagement. The colors are shaded in 10 gradients. The darkest color is the highest percentile, meaning the user was more engaged or took more actions in Showpad, and the lightest shade is the lowest percentile. In the first section, you will see user-related details on the Division, Managers, User Groups, or Users, depending on the selected view. Then, the Overall engagement section contains data to give you an idea of the overall usage of Showpad, such as average time spent and active days. Active days refer to any days that Showpad engagement happened, spanning seven days a calendar week. In the second section, you can compare content engagement on an average per-user or individual user level. By default, the fields shown are in-app views, total shares, active Shared Spaces, Collections created, Collections active, and Files edited. In the final section of the report set, you can compare Coach engagement on an average per-user or individual user level. By default, the fields shown are Course completion percentage, Courses overdue, test score average, and pitch score average. In the first column, you can click on any Division, Manager, or User group to filter out just the users within that category. Back to Top User Engagement Comparison The User Comparison graph provides quick insights into Showpad user adoption and usage on an organizational level. Select the Comparison report tab to compare a metric in any given time period per User, User group, Division, or Manager. Navigate to the Analytics tab in the Admin App Select Comarison in the Reports section of the left menu under User Engagement. Use the filters to drill down the comparison graph. Select how you want to view users, the metric to compare, the time frame you wish to view data for, and the Divisions, Managers, or User Groups you wish to filter, if applicable. Use the toggles to view the comparison from most active days to least, vice versa. Compare users based on their average active days using Showpad, within the selected timeframe. These are any days the user was active, spanning a full calendar week. Back to Top Related articles Engagement reporting for direct managers View the impact of your Shared Spaces with engagement reports See how users learn with Coach engagement reports Compare users with unified User engagement reports Guide to using SSO and Showpad