Showpad URL scheme requirements Updated January 09, 2025 09:48 You can use URL schemes to point to other Experiences, assets, and folders. This article explains how you can use additional parameters to open different types of content. The available parameters The following URL schemes are supported in mobile apps: URL Description Optional GET parameters showpad://file/[file-id] Opens the specified file. If the file is located in another Experience, you will jump to that other profile (unless the "modal=1" parameter is added). If the same file exists at multiple locations in different profiles, the app will start looking at the current profile first before moving on to another profile. - page - modal showpad://profile/[profile-id] Opens the specified Experience. showpad://video Opens Showpad video to record video messages. showpad://folder/[folder-id]/file/[file-id] Opens a file in a specific folder. Beware that when you add the "modal=1" parameter, you will go back to the original context when the file is closed. - page - modal Note: This article shows you where to get the file ID. Optional GET parameters• page: integer, 1-basedUse this to open a specific page in a PDF document or to open a file at a certain position in a folder.• modal: boolean, 1 or 0Use this to open a file in modal mode. This means it will be opened on top of the current context, so closing the file brings you back to the original context. Default value: 1.The GET parameters are to be added after the first part of the URL, preceded by "?". If you want to use more than one GET parameter, just join them with an "&".Example: showpad://file/78548788556b599d4977a7d58f70aa84?modal=1&page=5 This will open the file with ID 78548788556b599d4977a7d58f70aa84 in a modal window on Page 5. 3 example scenarios: URL refers to an asset in another classic folder: modal=0.You end up in the folder where the target asset is. URL refers to an asset on a page: modal=0.You end up in the folder where the page that contains the asset is. URL refers to an asset in an Advanced Experience: modal=1. You end up in the folder where the URL is located. Related articles Web apps and HTML content guidelines API actions in HTML content Manage and categorize your tags Kick-start and prefill email shares or links Managing your integrations