Wildcards in REST API Query Params Chris Francis 3 juin 2022 12:23 Modifié I am looking to return assets from the /assets.json endpoint. I can return specific assets with exact matches in the query parameters like "externalId" easily enough. But I would like to do a wild card search in these same parameters. For Example: Search for "abc-123" should match the following "externalId"s abc-123abc-123v3UK-abc-123CA-abc-123v7 Is there any way to do this? I have tried passing in simple wildcards (*abc-123*, %abc-123%) as well as regular expressions (^.*abc-123.*$). Neither of which returned any values.Any guidance would be great For an CURL example see below. This was a regular expression attempt. curl -X GET "https://*****.showpad.biz/api/v3/assets.json?externalId=.%2Aabc-123.%2A" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c7fb...T09" 0