Current user info for an Experience app. En avant Gert Stalpaert 3 décembre 2020 16:13 For an experience app, we want to know what user groups the current user belongs to. My thought was that window.ShowpadLib.getUserInfo() might provide that info. But I seams that this method returns the error “Showpad user not available” when I type this command in the chrome dev console. Is this because I try to quickly test this from the console (instead of using it properly from the js code in the app)? Or should I get proper info as shown in the example at Of course I was hoping to find the user groups in there… So any other solution to know the user groups of the current user would be useful. We prefer to use the JS API because we want this info available when working offline on an iPad. But if this is not possible, we might fall back to the rest API. I guess that this should work using /users/{id}/usergroups.json. 0