ShowpadLib.upload fails with extension csv Malcolm Bailey May 12, 2022 13:53 Is it possible to dynamically generate a CSV in an experience and upload to "My Files"? When ever I do this it fails with a 400 error from the Showpad server.Code to reproduce: var filename = "export.csv"; const file = new File(["abc,def\n123,456"], filename); const upload = { file: file, filename: filename }; const statusEmitter = window.ShowpadLib.upload(upload); statusEmitter.on('queued', () => { console.log("queued") }); statusEmitter.on('uploading', (data) => { console.log("uploading") }); statusEmitter.on('processing', () => { console.log("processing") }); statusEmitter.on('success', (data) => { console.log("Success") console.log(data) }); statusEmitter.on('failed', (error) => { console.log("failed") console.log(error) }); 1/In the simulator this gives a success message but is not really uploading the file (which is the expected behaviour).2/On the iPad, the save overlay shows the filename as export.csv. If the user tries to save this the upload fails.If On the iPad the user changes the name in the overlay to export.txt the upload is a success.If the code is changed so that the filename starts as export.txt the upload is a success.3/ On the Windows app (running on win10) the overlay dialog just shows the filename as "export" and ignores the extension. This is fine as we only need this to work on an iPad, I am including it here so no one tries to replicate on this platform.Surely we should be able to upload a simple text file with a csv extension? Cheers 1