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Send arbitary email content from experience / api



  • Official comment
    Sarah Shockey

    Hey Malcolm,

    I believe the "ShowpadJS.share()" ( method can help you out!
    This method allows you to create either an email or a link from the selected content.

    In your use case, I believe creating a link is the way to go, so you can send out the link yourself via a custom API you already have or create to your own servers.
    Of course, you can still use Showpad's functionality to immediately send out the emails too.

    Don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd have any questions or remarks. Happy to elaborate!

  • Malcolm Bailey

    Hi Sarah, Thanks for the response.

    Unfortunately that isn't quite what I'm looking for. The emails should be automatically sent once a user clicks a button within the experience. No share modal should be shown.

    Basically the experience contains a multipage form, and at the end pressing a button [Complete] two emails should be generated and sent.
    1. The form data in a "pretty" format to the client
    2. The same data in a csv format that goes to the users own address which will auto process it into another system.

    The only part we're looking for Showpad to do, and I don't think it can is when clicking a button in the experience, use the api to just send an email without the share modal view showing or any other further user interaction.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hey Malcolm,

    Thank you for your feedback!

    The use-case you describe is not possible with any of our Showpad APIs or libraries at this moment.
    The share modal will always be needed.

    Kind regards,

  • Malcolm Bailey

    Thanks - that's as expected, but useful to clarify 👍



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