Get mobile Slug of an Assets from config.json (SDK) mars July 22, 2020 09:43 Edited Hello folks, i have a problem to get the Asset on Mobile (SDK). Background Informations: I configure the config.json like: "contents": { "video": { "teaserVideo": { "type": "asset", "value" : ["069d05309cf1a5fe9de0381030c9f541"]} }} When i grab the asset in my app through my injected config.json i get the same object with additional parameter "results" back. When i try to fetch the Asset URL from the Library like: window.ShowpadLib.getAssetFileUrl(; I get on Desktop the URL on Mobile not. Of course the documentation says i need the asset.slug for mobile. Something like this: window.ShowpadLib.getAssetFileUrl(, asset.slug); But the config.json didn't return the whole Asset (also not the slug) only the ID of the Asset. The Problem: The is different on Desktop and Mobile (can't loop through all assets and filter by id to get the slug) I only get the slug when i am using the API, but the API doesn't work offline on mobile The Question: How to get the ID and the Slug of an Assets which is connected through the config.json in SDK? It would be better to get the whole Asset as Object through the config.json (SDK)! 0