Utilizing managers and Direct managers to serve your team Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. The true consistency in growing organizations is how much they change. Utilize two different types of managers in Showpad to best suit your needs as an administrator. A manager, also known as a group manager, oversees groups of users at a time. Like a big pavilion, this manager can be assigned an entire group and access the progress and data on all users included in the group. Managers can only be assigned in organizations using Coach. When it comes to PitchIQ or test reviews, Managers are the ones who will be assigned, not direct managers. A direct manager can be assigned to one or more users at once. This comes in handy when a specific person wants to see and compare data with folks who may not be in the same user group. Each person can have one manager assigned at a time, which can be changed at any time in the Administrator settings. See how it looks Key features Assign users in a group to a single manager Utilize a direct manager for individual users Change manager in admin settings You need this to succeed Admin access to your Showpad instance Any user can be assigned as a Direct Manager Do this step by step Employ group managers Utilize direct managers Utilizing a group Manager Navigate to the User tab and select the user or users you want to assign to a group. For this example, we will select one manager. You can select or deselect all by clicking the top column. Choose the pencil icon to make changes. When you assign the role of Manager to one of your users, a box will appear where you can choose groups to assign to them. Managers can be assigned to as many groups as you want and will be able to see data related to them all. Click Save. Edit these settings anytime by returning to the User library. Assigning a direct Manager Navigate to the User tab and select the user or users you want to assign to a group. For this example, we will select one manager. You can select or deselect all by clicking the top column. Choose the pencil icon to make changes. Scroll down to the Direct Manager drop-down menu and use the arrow or type the first few letters of their name to activate a search. Click save to update your users and return to the User library. As an administrator, you can see data about all managers under the Reports tab by selecting Engagement Reports. Read more about the specific Direct manager report capabilities here. Related articles Engagement reporting for Direct managers User roles in Showpad See your team members learning progress in My Team hub: Members Assign users, publish, and share a course See how users learn with Coach engagement reports