Give users more permissions as Promoted Members Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. You can delegate control of specific aspects or tasks in your organization or Divisions by assigning extra permissions to users. A Promoted Member is a regular user who is granted additional permissions to allow them to configure the content structure, Courses and Paths, Users and User Groups, tags, filters, etc. An admin may determine their Promoted Members' level of access by selecting specific permissions as needed. See how it works Key features Grant additional permissions to another user Delegate control to a division manager Choose permissions granularly Promote members in single-division instances You need this to succeed Administrator access to Showpad's Online Platform Groups assigned to the selected division User(s) to promote The quick way to awesomeness Click the Admin Settings icon in the top menu. Click Divisions on the left-hand side. If you have various Divisions, select the one in which you want to promote a user.You can only promote users that are in a user group that has been assigned to this Division. Click the Promote a Member button and choose a user from the menu. Select the permissions. Select the Notify user via email to send details about the new role. Click Save. Do this step by step Click the gear icon in the top right corner and select Admin Settings. Click Divisions on the left-hand side. If you have various Divisions, click the dropdown to select the one to which you want to promote a user. Note: You can only promote users who are in a user group assigned to this Division. Click the Promote a Member button and select a user. Select the checkboxes to give the Promoted Member corresponding permissions. Manage Content: Add, remove, and change content in the organization. Add and edit Sharing Themes. Manage Experiences: Add and update Experiences.Note that duplicating experiences across divisions can lead to the creation of new tags in those divisions (even without 'Manage Tags' permission). Delete Experiences: Permanently delete an Experience. Manage Tags: Manage and edit tags. Manage Courses & Paths: Create courses and paths to assign to users and have access to My Team Hub. Manage Discussions: View and manage the discussions under Collaboration. Manage Spotlights & Announcements: Create and distribute announcements and highlights to users. Manage Users & Groups: Create and manage users and groups in your organization. Promoted Users without the "User Management" permission have "Read-Only" access to the list of users from their division. View Content Reports: Generate reports for Content users. View Coach Reports: Generate reports for Coach users. Select the Notify user via email checkbox to email the Promoted Member the details about their new role. This is the message they will receive: Click the Save button. To demote a user anytime, return to Admin Settings, Divisions, and click either Edit to change specific capabilities or Revoke All. See how it looks for your users Promoted Members will see different tabs in Showpad's Online Platform depending on the options you enable as an administrator. Here you can see how it looks for some Promoted Users on Showpad's Online Platform: Manage Users & Groups is disabled Promoted Members will always see the users within the organization. If the Manage Users & Groups permission is not activated, your Promoted Member will not be able to add, update, and remove users. Manage Content & Experiences is enabled, while Delete Experiences is disabled To ensure only purposeful removal of Experiences, users with this setting disabled cannot click Delete Experience within the Experience settings. Manage Content & Experiences is enabled, while Manage Courses & Paths is disabled This setting enables content management and the ability to view Courses without managing them. If users can manage Content but don't have Course management permission, the Course block will be greyed-out on the Page and Homepage Builder. Manage Spotlights & Announcements is enabled This user can reach other users by sending announcements or creating spotlights. Note: As a Promoted Member, the announcements you send to 'All Users' will only be received by the users assigned to the division(s) in which you're promoted. View Reporting is enabled The user can access Reports but not edit courses, content, or users. Related articles 2025 Create Page Templates Available Features By Platform Install and share content with Showpad for Outlook 365 Email Plugins Release Notes