Analyze user activity with Coach reporting Updated February 14, 2025 00:10 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. Showpad Coach offers many different reports to help you, as an admin, better understand how learners are doing with their courses and paths. With data filtering by various categories and time periods, you can clearly see how users perform and compare to others. As an admin, this will help you determine where gaps in training exist and allow managers to coach their teams on best practices and areas of improvement. Note: Users assigned to an elective course or path will not be included in Coach reporting until they opt-in. Key features See valuable analytics about users and courses Aggregate data using various filters to get the most out of historical data Export this information into a CSV file for your records You need this to succeed Administrator access to Showpad's Online Platform OR Promoted Member access with reporting access to at least one Division Users with Showpad Coach licenses The quick way to awesomeness Login to Showpad as an Admin or Promoted Member Click the Reports tab and navigate to Coach Reporting Select a report, customize the column options, and filter data as needed Learn how it's done To get started, navigate to Coaching Reports and select a report from the left side menu. Hovering over any report will show a preview of the report. Tip: With any report mentioned below, you can select various columns from the left side to determine which stats will be displayed. You can save any of the following reports to keep your settings and easily access them in your Saved Reports tab. Admin/Manager Report The Admin/Manager report provides a list of admins and managers in the organization with various statistics based on their activity. The default view of this report includes the admin or manager's name, role, number of users and groups managed, courses administered, reviews assigned and completed, reviews with written feedback, length of feedback in words, and their review average. This can be helpful when determining manager's level of engagement with their team's learning and help admins determine areas of improvement. Course The course report compiles a list of statistics per course so you can compare metrics. The default view of this report will include the number of users in the course, amount of users who have started the course, the number of users who have completed the course, overdue users, and test and pitch averages. Note: Overdue percentages are calculated by first dividing the number of overdue Courses by the number of Courses assigned with a due date, then multiplying by 100. This data includes all courses that each user has finished. Even if a course is not technically complete because it is pending review, users who finished their portion of the assignment will be included in this report. Course and Group This report shows course statistics on a group level, showing how different groups perform on a particular course. In the default version of this report, you will see the course per group, the number of users in each group assigned to the course, and other completion statistics. This report may be useful for admins to see how groups rolling up to different managers compare. Course and User This report shows performance on a user basis for each course, providing an easy breakdown of all the stats for each course a user is enrolled in. If the course has a test or pitch component, you can dig deeper by clicking on a specific user and selecting the Visualizations button. This will provide a Test Component Comparison or PitchIQ Comparison with a user by score chart. Compare how a particular user did compared to the rest of the users enrolled in the course. By selecting a user from the list on this report, you will also find shortcut options to view their PitchIQ or go to test or pitch management. If you select Refine Data, you will see specific details for that particular user and course. Curriculum, Curriculum & Group, Curriculum & User These reports demonstrate statistics on the curriculum level. Find details in the Curriculum report about the number of courses and users assigned to the curriculum, how many users have started the curriculum, and the average test and pitch scores within the curriculum. You will see similar tables for the Curriculum and Group and Curriculum and User reports. However, the stats will be broken down by corresponding user or group. From the Curriculum and User report, select a specific user and click the Visualizations button to compare their performance to the average of the other users enrolled in the curriculum on a test or pitch. Group The group report displays statistics at the group level. The default report here will show the group name, number of users, number of users who have started and completed their courses, and the groups' pitch and test averages. In this view, the Start Count may be higher than the User Count because of how group assignments are calculated. If a group has 10 users and they are given 5 assignments to complete, that totals 50 possible assignments to begin. So, if 10 users started 2 courses each, that brings the Start Count to 20. By this math, if a user is removed from the group but did start a course, the start count will remove their activity from the report when they leave the group. Path The path report shows statistics on a path level. Similar to the curriculum report, you will find details here about the number of items in a path, the number of users assigned to the path, how many users have started the path, and how many users have completed the path. You will see similar tables for the Path and Group and Path and User reports, however, the stats will be broken down by corresponding user or group. Path Item, Path Item & Group, Path Item & User These reports show statistics for specific items within a Path. Find information here on the path item type, amount of users assigned to it, start and completion counts, and amount of users overdue on completion. Within the Path Item report, click on a specific task then select Refine Data to view all groups or all users for a specific task. For the Path Item & Group or User report, select any group or user to see all tasks they are assigned to. Similar details can be found on a path-item level for specific users and groups. Pitch IQ Results This report overviews Pitch IQ assignees, reviewers, scores, and feedback. Easily track progress and keep track of your users’ groups as they rack up scores by knocking out Pitch IQs. The default report is organized by course title, then reviewer. See both constructive feedback and positive comments at a glance as well. Pitch Reviewer Activities This report displays statistics related to users elected to review Pitch IQ submissions. You will see user-level statistics based on their reviewing performance. The default report here is organized by course and then reviewer. You will find information about their average pitch score, the number of reviews they've given, and their outstanding reviews. This can help admins determine trends among managers and other reviewers or scorers. Test Results Similar to Pitch IQ Results, this report provides information related to test-takers, their scores, and which groups they are in. It populates questions from courses and indicates what the response was and whether or not it was correct. This default report is sorted by course title followed by question. When sorted by course title, all questions will be grouped together for an overview of the full test. User This report displays user-level statistics to help gauge overall user performance. With this default report, you will find information on the number of courses the user is assigned to, complete and overdue courses, and test and pitch averages. To dig deeper, select any user from the list, then click the visualizations icon. Select Learn Activity, PitchIQ Report, or Test Performance to see how the user compares to other users enrolled. 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