Customize a Shared Space for users with Sharing Themes Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. Your users can create a branded, personalized space to interact with prospects and customers using Showpad's Shared Spaces feature. This provides more flexibility and the ability to engage in more in-depth interactions while receiving feedback from Shared Space invitees. Users will be able to incorporate their own content (My Files) as well as the content provided to them by marketing to create a collaborative environment for more successful sales conversations. Though this is primarily a user tool, admins can control parts of the look and feel of a Shared Space by assigning the appropriate Sharing Themes to Experiences just like they do for regular shares. This capability is an extension of Sharing Themes for the shared content viewer. See how it works Key features Users can create branded, collaborative environments for sales conversations Admins control the available Sharing Themes available for these Shared Spaces When selecting or modifying a sharing theme, a preview of the Shared Space will be available before publishing any changes You need this to succeed Showpad Plus or Ultimate plan Shared Spaces enabled for your users The quick way to awesomeness In the Online Platform, navigate to the Library tab Choose which division you want to create or modify Sharing Themes for In the sharing theme section, create or modify your desired themes or set a new default theme Do this step by step After logging into the Online Platform and open the Library tab. If you use divisions, choose the one with the Experiences you would like to assign a sharing theme to. Click the Sharing Themes tab. You can create a new sharing theme for this division by clicking New Theme. From there, follow the steps described here for Classic and Advanced Experiences. To modify an existing sharing theme, select it from the left-hand side. You will need to assign the theme to Experiences within that division. Doing so allows your users to select that theme for their Shared Space.You can change the header and accent colors and add an image and/or logo. The accent color will highlight links, buttons, and folders in the Shared Space.The About description field is for Experiences only and will not be visible in a Shared Space. On the right-hand side of the Sharing Themes tab, you can see a preview of how a Shared Space with the selected theme will appear to users and prospects. You can also view the email template external recipients see when invited to the Shared Space. Note: Only external participants in the Shared Space will receive themed invitations and activity notifications. Related articles Customize the shared content viewer with sharing themes Create and manage email templates Invite people to Shared Spaces Create and duplicate Shared Spaces Setting up Shared Space Quick Actions