Set a default folder icon for a Classic Experience Updated December 05, 2024 22:42 Note: This article is about the new beta Admin App, which is still in development. Changes may occur. Please provide feedback directly in the beta app. Enhance the design of your Classic Experience by setting a default folder icon to create a polished and cohesive look. This will make it easier for users to navigate and recognize content at a glance. Remember that updating the default folder icon only applies to the specific Experience you're modifying. You also have the option to select a custom folder icon when creating a new folder. See how it looks Key features Ensure all folders in the Experience use the same folder icon if a custom folder icon is not set. Select from 7 different styles. You need this to succeed The beta Admin App enabled Feature availability depends on your subscription package The quick way Open an Experience in the Experience Builder Click Design and select Default folder icon. Select a folder icon and click Save. Do this step by step Navigate to the Libraries tab. If your organization uses multiple Divisions/Libraries, select the desired Division/Library from the top-left dropdown menu. Select Experiences in the left side menu. Click on the Classic Experience you want to customize. At the top of the details panel, click Open Experience Builder. Click Design and select Default folder icon. Select the folder icon you want to use as the default icon and click Save. Learn how to set the default folder icon on the current Online Platform. Related articles Time to First Deal: How do Courses influence time to first deal?