Upload files to the Content Library Updated July 03, 2024 15:45 Uploading content is one of the first steps to do as an administrator. All the files, also called assets, should be uploaded to the Showpad Library. This library serves as a central repository where you can manage your content, modify its properties, add tags, etc… When you’ve set up a content structure with Experiences, folders, and Smart Folders, you can quickly organize your content and distribute it to your users. Content in the Library is also available to be used within Showpad Coach courses. Each file can be used in multiple courses making it easier to store all learning content in one centralized location. See how it works Key features Automatically detect duplicate files before uploading Upload content to use in Experiences Import from a local drive or from cloud storage Upload Supported file types Add URLs, including videos, as assets The quick way to awesomeness Click Add and choose which type of files you want to upload Select local content from your computer, cloud solution, or add a URL Alternatively, you can create a new Page to add content to Wait until processing is finished Add assets to Experiences and courses Do this step by step There are three ways to add assets to the content library: Upload content from your local computer Import content from a cloud solution Add and track a URL Once your content is uploaded, it's processed to ensure it’s displayed correctly on all devices. When the processing is finished, the content will appear in the library. Upload content from your local computer Click Library in the top menu. If your organization uses Divisions, select the relevant Division. Under the Assets & Experiences tab, click Add, then click Upload Files to add content from your local device. Click the Browse link to choose assets stored on your computer, or drag and drop the content into the Upload section. If you would like to add tags, click inside the Add Tags field. Select an existing tag from the list or enter a tag of your own and press Enter. Repeat these steps to add more tags. If you're using Divisions, you can choose to share the asset on all Divisions or not by checking the Global box. When you’re ready, click the Upload button. If you choose to share your asset across all Divisions, it will be marked with a Global icon. When you view this asset from another Division, it will be marked with a Global external icon. Hover over it to reveal which Division it was uploaded to. After uploading, you can edit the asset’s Permissions, Tags, Locale, Authors, Optimization, and Availability by selecting the asset and clicking the pencil icon next to the section you’d like to edit. For more information about permissions, check out this article. Back to Top Import content from a cloud solution You can import your content from different sources. Keep in mind that assets will be imported, and they will not change when you update the source. Folder or tree structure of your cloud solution will not be imported either. If a file is deleted or overwritten with a new version on, it will not change in Showpad automatically unless you import it again. Note: When importing native Google documents from your Google Drive (Gdocs, Gsheets, and Gslides), Showpad will convert them into the corresponding Microsoft Office file. Go to Library, and choose the correct Division. Click the Add button. Click Import from... Click the cloud solution you want to import content from. In this example, we will import content from Box. You will need to connect this account using your cloud solution credentials. In this example, we will import content from Box. Click the Allow Showpad to access my Box account button and follow the login procedure on the screen. Click Grant access to Box (Or other). Select the assets you want to upload. If you have not yet added an asset to Showpad, it will be labeled New. If the current version is already synced, it will be labeled as such. If there is a new version in your content drive of a previously synced asset, it will be labeled Update. Keep in mind, when files are updated in the content drive, you must sync them to Showpad again to have the most up to date version. Now, you can add tags to the assets you're about to import. You can also define that they're available in all your Divisions if you're using them.When you’re ready, click the Import Content button. The files will be added to the processing queue and will be available shortly. The assets imported from an external drive will be marked with an external icon. Note: All assets synced with SharePoint will be marked with a SharePoint icon. Click here to learn more about synchronizing your assets with SharePoint. Back to Top Add and track a URL You can add URLs, such as a website, an online video or even a Course, to your Experiences, collections, and smart folders. This allows for the same tracking ability as all other compatible asset types. In addition, you can assign custom thumbnail images to the URLs within Showpad or have a default icon appear in lieu of a preview image. As admins, you can control the permissions of any URLs added to Showpad. Your sales reps are then able to share the permitted URLs to prospects and track whether these are accessed. The tracking of these assets is visible as an In-App View in the user analytics. Unlike the other asset types, URL assets cannot be liked or commented on. You also cannot bulk add URL assets into the content library. URL assets cannot be added to courses, but can be created using the author tool within a course and utilizing the link option. Sharing sites that include videos means it is possible videos will autoplay when viewed as a URL asset. Note: When linking to external websites, it is possible they don't open because they don't allow opening in an iframe. Click the Library tab. If your organization uses Divisions, click the correct Division. Click the Add then Add a URL. You will have the option to upload a custom .png icon (at least 500x500 pixels) to be displayed for the URL asset similar to a thumbnail for other asset types.Otherwise, a default icon is used, pictured above. Enter the URL you want to add to the content library. Type the Name you want displayed for the URL Asset. Add an optional description if you would like, and then paste or type the URL in the box. This description will be seen by users in the search results and on the home screen, if it has the permission to be viewed in Showpad, and also in the Asset Detail Pane when open. Note: Showpad does not validate the URL, so check that it is entered correctly. This also means that you can add any type of URL you would like and it is not limited to http:// or https://.However, it will not allow you to enter a URL that is not in a valid URL format. Some URL types may be blocked by browser security, such as local file URLs. If you are adding a URL asset that points to a video on a website such as YouTube, use the embedded link as shown below to ensure that the video plays properly when shared. You can add tags to the URL asset, similar to other assets, that will help when filtering content and adding to smart folders. As an admin, you can also determine the permissions related to this URL asset.Select View in Showpad to have the external website open in Showpad, but know that some browsers don't support this and will open in a new tab. For websites like Apple, it may be best to not select open in Showpad, as they can't be iFramed. On mobile, assets with permission view in Showpad set to No will prompt users to view in their mobile browser.If you don't want the name of the URL to be displayed, check off Hide name in Experience. Once you've selected all the options you want, click Add. When you are viewing your content library, URL assets will be identifiable by the .url file extension. Like other content in the library, you will be able to edit details about the URL asset in the right pane when the asset is selected. Note: For organizations that use Showpad divisions, it's important to note that URL assets do not transfer when you duplicate an Experience to another division unless they are in a smart folder. Duplicating Experiences among the same division does not affect URL assets. Related articles Showpad File Processing explained Best practices for uploading Microsoft Office documents Sync Google Drive content with Showpad Use Smart Folders to organize assets automatically Manage Courses, Paths, and Curriculums in the Coach Library