Plan your content structure Updated February 05, 2025 08:03 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. When using Showpad, it’s important to plan for the optimal content structure for your organization. As a Showpad administrator, organizing content effectively is crucial for optimizing usability, accessibility, and overall effectiveness. A well-organized content structure ensures that users can easily find and access the materials they need, leading to increased productivity and engagement. Key features Optimize your content structure Organize content in Divisions and Experiences Define assets with tags and locale metadata Display relevant content to users You need this to succeed Showpad Content Admin or Promoted Member access The quick way to awesomeness Add and manage assets Assign tags & locale to your assets Organize content in Experiences Use Divisions, independent Content Libraries Display the right content to each user group Note: Download the attached detailed Content Structure Worksheet template at the end of this article to help you plan or review your content structure. Assets Your Content Library is a collection of assets composed of files and Pages: Files refer to any digital content, including documents, presentations, videos, images, and more, added to the library for sales and marketing purposes. Pages refer to individual web pages that you can create in Showpad and customize with different components such as text, assets, Experiences, other Pages, etc. Learn about uploading files and creating Pages. Tags & Locale A tag is a piece of metadata linked to any files, Pages, and other Showpad components. They are useful to: Sort assets in the Content Library of the Online Platform and in the search results in the Web app. Display assets automatically. Influence content recommendations on the Homepage, Salesforce integration, etc. They can be nested under multi-level categories. Without using categories, tags will be auto-categorized alphabetically. A locale is a specific piece of metadata that determines the language and/or region of an asset. It is especially useful: When working with different languages and regions within a Division, as a first step in localizing your assets. In assigning Experiences to users so they see content relevant to their location and language. See how to create and manage tags and locale. Experiences You can add assets to Experiences, which are organized content repositories displayed to your users. Depending on your distribution strategy, different types of Experiences are available: Classic Experience A simple repository where content can be organized in folders. Folders can be populated manually or dynamically with tag rules on Smart Folders. Advanced Experience A template where content is organized by nodes allowing for a more interactive selling experience. There are three kinds of Advanced Experiences: Atom - transform a static folder structure into an interactive mind map. Mapper - present your products and services on a visual map. Selector - filter assets by tags and select content to present. Experience App Your own unique Showpad app to fully customize your team’s experience. All kinds of Experiences can live in the same Division. Learn more about Experiences in our dedicated section. Divisions Divisions are independent Content Libraries with unique management rights. Each Division contains its own set of assets and Experiences. Selected users can be assigned as Promoted Members to help manage and distribute content for one specific Division without having access to all of them. They are commonly used to solve four primary use cases: Separation of Libraries Create multiple business units with no overlap of shared content. Additional Libraries Create one parent and various partner libraries for distributors to have their own content libraries without having access to the primary one. In this scenario, the partner library contains its own unique material and partial or full content from the parent one. Regional Libraries Create one global and various regional libraries. The global Division is managed by a global marketing team and pushes out approved content to all regions. Regional marketing content is added and managed by regional promoted members and available in their Division only. Sharing Partial Libraries Create Divisions for affiliate companies when a selection of materials from an affiliate needs to be made available to other affiliates and vice versa. Files and tags can be shared across Divisions, simplifying content distribution from a source Division. Divisions exist for content and administrative separation & management, but users will not be aware that Divisions exist. Users can be assigned to multiple Divisions via User Groups, and their experience is seamless regardless of how many Divisions they’re assigned to. Learn how to set up Divisions. User groups User groups are created to display the relevant content to your users. They can be assigned to Divisions, Experiences, Courses, announcements, etc. Any new users added to an existing user group will inherit the user group’s access to content, eliminating the need to assign Experiences to new users individually. Learn more about adding users to user groups, and assigning user groups to Divisions or Experiences. Back to Top Content Structure Worksheet.xlsx 8 MB Download Related articles Add tags to label and categorize your content Share Showpad content using the integration with Salesloft Create visually appealing Pages to organize content Use the locale function to categorize assets and Experiences Upload files to the Content Library