How effective is my localization strategy? Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. This dashboard comprehensively analyzes how effective your content localization strategy is across different languages and countries. By focusing on variant assets and placeholders, this report helps you understand how well your localized content resonates with your audience and contributes to your business goals. Note: Due to communication between Salesforce and Showpad, there may be some delay in aggregating information. If you suspect that data is missing (e.g., due to configuration or permission issues), you can test your connection and initiate a manual synchronization (if necessary). Be aware that synchronizing can be time-consuming. Key features Discover how effective your localized content is Print or generate a PDF of full or filtered data Export full data set to CSV and XLS View a data breakdown by asset, country, or language You need this to succeed Showpad Web app with administrative or promoted user reporting capabilities Localized content in your content library, using primary assets and variants. Learn more about asset localization here. Activity within your Showpad instance by users To view revenue-related data, A Showpad license plan that includes the Salesforce integration, and populated SFDC Opportunity fields: The fields used for this report are: Id, Name, Amount, CloseDate, IsClosed, IsWon, StageName, AccountId, and OwnerId. See how it's done Filtering Trends Performance comparisons Details table Printing Deal data syncing with Salesforce Note: Some assets' names may display a number in brackets. This is used to differentiate assets with identical names. Filtering The Division, Start date, and End date filters influence all dashboard sections. By default, the selected options will be all the Divisions you can access and a 90-day range. Edit the selections to see the specific data. Hover over the filter and click on the three dot menu to reset the data to default or refresh the available options. Back to Top Trends The first Key Performance Indicator (KPI) box focuses on the adoption of localized content among your users. It displays the percentage of interactions attributed to localized content. For content interactions, we consider internal and external views, downloads, and all email or link Shares. The arrow will indicate if adoption is trending up or down compared to the previous timeframe, and below, you’ll see the difference in adoption between the current and past timeframe. The second KPI represents total engagement, specifically the time users spent viewing content attributed to localized variants. Similar to the first KPI, it displays the percentage of time spent that was attributed to localized content. Below, you'll see the difference between the current and past timeframe. The third KPI box shows the impact of localized content on deals by displaying the percentage of deals to which the localized content contributed. Assets influencing deals are marketing assets shared and viewed by a prospect before an opportunity is closed and won within the selected timeframe. Content shared via email, link, or Shared Space must be logged to an opportunity in the CRM integration to be counted. In the example below, for the selected timeframe: Content interactions attributed to localized variants totaled 17% of all content interactions, which is 20% more than the previous timeframe. Of all time spent on content, 7% of time spent was attributed to localized variants. This is 10% more time spent on localized variants than the previous timeframe. No data has yet been recorded on deals that were impacted by localized variants. This may suggest that the CRM integration is not connected. Back to Top Performance comparisons This graph visualizes the performance of localized assets to non-localized content over time. You can select any single metric from the Performance drop down list to track and evaluate effectiveness based on that metric. Each bar in the chart represents 100% of the content in the library that has at least one activity (view, download, or share). The chart breaks down by primary, placeholder, variant, or non-localized content to show the impact of localized content on a specific metric. In the example below, the visual compares the internal view time of placeholders, primary, variant, and non-localized assets per month. On the right-hand side of the graph, you will see the insights box, which provides a better understanding of the extent of your localization content in the library. Learn what percentage of your library is localized and, on average, how many variants are available for localized content. This data is calculated from the past two years. The percentage of localized content is calculated by dividing the number of primary assets with at least one localized asset by the total number of assets (non-localized assets and primary assets). Back to Top Details table The final section includes the Details table, which helps you identify the primary assets, localized assets, languages, or countries that are most popular among your users. Data is consolidated for the selected time period and Divison selected in the filtering section. Choose to view your breakdown by asset (primary), country, or language. When you've got the data you want, click the three-dot menu to export it to CSV and XLS. All rows in the table can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the header of the first column. When you've got the data you want, click the three-dot menu to export it to CSV and XLS. Back to Top Printing The Export icon at the top right of the dashboard enables you to print or generate a PDF of the entire dashboard, filtered or unfiltered. You can also view all of your PDF exports. Print dashboard - Click the Export icon and select Print. A preview is generated for your review. When ready, click the Print button. Generate PDF of the dashboard - Click the Export icon and select Generate PDF. A message is displayed to inform you the generation is in progress. This may take a few moments. You can close the message by clicking the X. When your PDF is ready, a message is displayed. Click the Download button. Note: Navigating elsewhere during the PDF generation will disrupt the process, and you'll need to regenerate the PDF. View exports of the dashboard - Click the Export icon and select View exports. A list of your PDF exports is displayed. You can download the export by clicking on Click to download. Back to Top Deal data syncing with Salesforce Salesforce and Showpad work together to generate this report. The report considers marketing content and closed-won opportunities that were closed within a selected timeframe. From the Salesforce Opportunity, Showpad syncs these default fields to build this report: ID Name Amount CloseDate IsClosed IsWon StageName AccountId OwnerId Back to Top Related articles Link localized asset variants Compare assets and tags with Scorecards AI-powered Asset Summary FAQ 2025 Prepare for the improved Chrome extension