What content is most viewed by buyers? Updated February 05, 2025 08:00 Note: This article is no longer maintained. For updated information, please refer to the corresponding Admin App article. We recommend updating your links if you’ve linked to this article. Within the 'What content is most viewed by buyers?' dashboard, you'll find insights into which assets, asset types, tags, and tag categories are most popular with your buyers. Once you understand what content and assets are most compelling to buyers, you can replicate and mold new content accordingly, enabling your sellers to succeed. This report focuses on view count and view time only, and only activity from external users is included. Key features Understand more about your buyer’s activity with shared content Filter activity by Division and timeframe Compare activity to the previous timeframes and view trends Learn which assets have the most external views and which are trending Print or generate a PDF of full or filtered data Export full data set to CSV or XLS You need this to succeed Showpad Web app with administrative or promoted user reporting capabilities Activity on Showpad content by external users (buyers) New analytics toggled on See how it's done The dashboard is divided into the following sections: Filtering Trends Views and view time by content type Views by tag category Details table Printing Note: Some assets' names may display a number in brackets. This is used to differentiate assets with identical names. Filtering Apply filters based on the Division and Date range to alter the data you find in this dashboard. By default, you'll see My Divisions, which includes all the divisions you have access to. KPI trends Below the filtering options, you will find the key performance indicator (KPI) trends. These KPIs present different metrics calculated for the selected timeframe. The first box displays the total views of assets in your selected divisions in the selected timeframe, compared to the previous timeframe. The second box shows the total number of unique assets viewed in the selected timeframe, compared to the previous timeframe. The last box presents the total viewing time in minutes on assets in the selected division and timeframe, compared to the previous timeframe. Right below the KPI trends section, a blue box informs what percentage of content viewed by buyers was viewed in Shared Spaces vs activity from email shares. What content type has the most views? In this graph, you'll find the top five types of content based on views or view time in the selected timeframe. Use the radio buttons to select if you wish to display the top five asset types based on views, or view time. Hover over any bar to see the number of views or amount of view time (in seconds) per file type. To the right side of the graph you'll see a list of the most viewed or trending assets in your selected timeframe. View the top five most viewed assets and how many external views they've received. Use the radio buttons to toggle to trending assets. Trending assets show the biggest increase in views in the selected timeframe compared to the previous timeframe. Which top 5 tag categories have the highest views? This graph displays the tag categories that have had the most views in the selected timeframe. This comes from tags associated with the assets that are viewed externally. Use the slider to show a given tag category level. All levels are hierarchically structured with level 0 as the highest. Hover over any bar to see the number of asset views per tag category in the selected timeframe. Views per assets, tags, and tag categories At the bottom of the dashboard, you can access a table with more granular details on external views. Use the radio buttons to display views by asset, tag, or tag category in the table. The table includes data for the selected timeframe. The available columns are: For assets: Asset name Created at- date the asset was created in Showpad Asset age- how old the asset is, in days Previous views- number of external views in the previous timeframe Current views- number of external views in the current selected timeframe View count change- the difference in views in the current timeframe vs the previous timeframe Total time view- the amount of time in seconds each asset has been viewed For tags: Tag name - name of each tag Created at- date the asset was created in Showpad Previous views- number of external views on assets with the assigned tags in the previous timeframe Current views- number of external views on assets with the assigned tags in the selected timeframe View count change- the difference in views in the current timeframe vs the previous timeframe Total view time- the amount of time assets with the given tags have been viewed in minutes For tag categories: Tag category- name of the tag category Previous views- number of external views on assets with the assigned tag category in the previous timeframe Current views- number of external views on assets with the assigned tag category in the selected timeframe View count change- the difference in views in the current timeframe vs the previous timeframe Total view time- the amount of time assets with the associated tag category have been viewed in minutes Click the three dot menu to export the table to CSV or Excel. Printing The Export icon at the top right of the dashboard enables you to print or generate a PDF of the entire dashboard, filtered or unfiltered. You can also view all of your PDF exports. Print dashboard - Click the Export icon and select Print. A preview is generated for your review. When ready, click the Print button. Generate PDF of the dashboard - Click the Export icon and select Generate PDF. A message is displayed to inform you the generation is in progress. This may take a few moments. You can close the message by clicking the X. When your PDF is ready, a message is displayed. Click the Download button. Note: Navigating elsewhere during the PDF generation will disrupt the process, and you'll need to regenerate the PDF. View exports of the dashboard - Click the Export icon and select View exports. A list of your PDF exports is displayed. You can download the export by clicking on Click to download. 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