Preparing for asset localization Updated June 18, 2024 07:43 The content about your products is tailored to the local language, values, and customs of each region you distribute it to. As a result, the same product has distinct localized variations of content that target each unique market. Nonetheless, administrators may need a lot of time to locate, distribute, and ensure all these alternative assets are ready. This is why we've added a feature to streamline the admin experience. You can link primary assets with their localized variants. You'll enjoy easier content management, your marketing teams will appreciate the improved collaboration, and your sellers will always have content to share. Tip: When ready, learn how to link localized assets in your Division libraries. Introducing asset localization To get started, you'll designate a primary asset and link it with its localized variants within the same Division library. Each variant’s properties and permissions can be defined separately. In the Localization tab of the asset details pane, you can view the connection between localized variants and manage the associated asset. When introducing a product to a new region, you can create a placeholder asset to maintain the flow of content to your users. This will be a copy of the primary asset and can be used like any other asset. When a new variant is prepared, swap out the placeholder, and it will be replaced in all locations. Note: Localized assets are only managed in Showpad and do not support DAM, SharePoint, or Cloud Storage integrations. Showpad is developing future enhancements that will enable reporting, notifications, and use across Divisions. Start linking your localized assets. You’ll enjoy future improvements the moment they're released. How to prepare for this feature Set the locale property Are you using language and country tags to distribute your assets? Now is a great time to migrate to the locale property. With the locale property defined, you’ll be able to link your localized assets with ease. See how to use the locale function to categorize assets and Experiences. Use the bulk editing feature in your Division’s content library to quickly set the locale property of your assets. Filter your library by a language or country tag, select all the tagged assets, and choose Edit to define the locale property for all selected assets. To filter Classic Experience smart folders by locale rather than language and country tags, update the affected folders. Make it easy by bulk editing tags in Smart Folders. If you’ve set content profiles for your user groups, update the profiles to filter by locale rather than language and country tags. Define a global primary language What will your organization use as its global primary language? By defining this, you’ll know which asset is the primary variant. Starting with this language, you’ll always have an asset to fall back on while creating translations. While you must ensure your content reaches the widest audience, content should always be available to your sellers. Plan how you will link your assets by identifying the primary language. Related articles Link localized asset variants Use the locale function to categorize assets and Experiences Preparing for sharing tags across Divisions Grant Showpad Support access to your account Utilizing managers and Direct managers to serve your team