Explore Content User Analytics to view user details Updated June 24, 2024 17:20 What's in it for you Showpad offers the User Analytics tool to better understand how specific Content users and user groups utilize assets to engage with prospects. By allowing data filtering by various categories and time periods, you are able to get a clear picture of how and when sales reps use Showpad in their sales conversations. As admins, this will help you determine where gaps in content needs exist and allow the sales managers to coach their teams on best practices. See how it works Key features See valuable and time-static analytics about users and how they utilize content Aggregate data using various filters to get the most out of historical data Export this information into CSV format for your records User Analytics that occur offline will be recorded when the user connects to the internet again You need this to succeed Showpad's Essential, Ultimate or Plus pricing plan Administrator access to Showpad's Online Platform OR Promoted Division access with reporting access to at least one Division The quick way to awesomeness Login to Showpad as an Admin or Promoted Member Click the Reports tab and navigate to User Analytics Set a date range and, if desired, choose a user group to filter data as needed Learn how it's done Insight from the User Analytics tab The User Analytics page displays fixed data about how users are employing Showpad within your organization for any particular time period and by user group. This makes it easy to take action on increasing adoption of Showpad and to determine potential gaps in how best to engage sales teams in understanding the benefits of Showpad. The user activity can be split up into the number of unique users of any of the Showpad apps or the total number of user sessions. You also get insight how much time is spent on the app, in total or on average, and on what platforms this activity is taking place. User Activity - Sessions is a trending chart that allows you to compare total session activity to unique user activity over time. You can choose to view this by day, week, month, or overall time. If you would like to view only unique users or total sessions, simply deselect the other filter so it is greyed out. If you would like to see the total unique users or total sessions within a time period, just change the time intervals to Total in the top right corner. For example, if you wanted to see Monthly Active Users for the month of June, you would set my date range to the month of June, select Total and only toggle on Unique users. Note: A session is a time-based metric that is recorded each time a user uses the Showpad mobile app or the Web app without navigating away. When the user clicks out and then returns to the Showpad app or switches browser tabs when using the Web app, it will count as a new session. User Activity By Platform allows you to compare activity across different platforms. You can compare activity over time by selecting Trend in the top right corner or you can compare total activity for the selected time period by selecting the Donut option. You can also choose what type of activity you would like to compare by selecting either Unique Users or Total Sessions. If you want to explore activity for one platform, deselect each platform on and off at the bottom of the chart. In situations where your users access Showpad using one of our integrations (Gmail, Outlook, Salesforce, or Microsoft Dynamics), those will appear in the data as their own device. If they are not used, you will not see them reflected in the graph. In the example above you are seeing the total number of sessions for each device type for September 18th, 2018. If you were to switch to the Unique Users view and it was the same person accessing Showpad with their phone 16 times, the number shown would be reflected as 1. Quick tip: To keep it simple, think of viewing data in this way:If you want to see how many people use the Showpad app, look at the Unique Users.If you want to know how many times the app has been used, choose Total Sessions. It can also be helpful to compare user data among other groups or the organization as a whole. User Activity Comparison allows you to compare Total Activity to In-App Views for each user (in-App views are recorded as each time a user views a piece of content in the Showpad app). In addition, you can compare the entire user activity in your organization as a whole. Each blue dot represents a user. The size of the dot indicates their total time spent in the app. The larger the dot, the more time they are spending compared to other users in their user group or the organization as a whole. You can hover over each dot and quickly view the data for that specific user. Your power users are to the top right of the chart and have a larger blue dot. The users that might need additional training are in the bottom left of your chart and have a small blue circle. In addition, you can view the Group Activity Comparison to gain insight into how different user groups compare in their Showpad usage. Hovering your cursor over each user group, or blue block will give you the details for that particular set of users. Bigger and/or darker boxers indicate groups that are the most active. The final set of data that is available for User Analytics is an overview of All Users for your organization. This handy list can also be exported for your records. The users are listed by their first and last name unless they are members of a user group with anonymized user analytics, in which case the user will show as Anonymous User. By default, you will first see their Groups (selected), which shows the groups the user belongs to limited to the ones selected in the Groups filter. You will see how many sessions the user has had, number of in-app views, total shares created, shares created broken down by Gmail or Outlook, collections created, mobile meetings, and user status. To the right of the search box, click the grid display icon to select which extra fields you wish to populate in the table. These options fields will be added to the end of the table, in the order they are selected. If selected, you will also see the following user stats: Average Time Spent: their average duration per session in seconds. Total time spent: the user's total duration of sessions in seconds. Downloads: the number of assets a user has downloaded. Groups: lists all the groups a user is in, not limited to groups that have been filtered. Active Shared Spaces: the number of active shared spaces the user has access to Active Shared Spaces Names: the names of active shared spaces the user has access to now Shared Spaces Created: the number of shared spaces created within the selected date range Other details such as a user's first or last name, or email may also be selected. Hover over the question mark icon to read a description of each column field. To export a copy of the All Users table, click the download icon in the top right. Select to export the table with 1 row per user or 1 row per user per groups (selected). If you select 1 row per user and groups (selected), a user will have one row for each group they are in, out of the filtered groups you selected. For example, if Test User is in 4 of the selected groups, there will be four rows of Test User's info in the exported table, one row for each group they belong to. Clicking on the name of a user from the Top Users table directs to you more detail on that user's activities in Showpad. You can also type a User's name in the search field to pull up their stats. Select a date range for which you'd like to view the usage trends. You will first see their Usage Summary. This includes the user's last login, number of active collections, the number of assets they have uploaded, and percentage of storage used. Next, you will see the user's Usage Trends. Select a date range for which you'd like to view the usage trends. You will see how many sessions the user has had, number of in-app views, shares created, and total meetings within the specific time period. The User Activity - Sessions chart, shows the number of sessions logged by the individual user compared to the average number of sessions per user in the organization. View trending data by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Total (all time). The In-App Views by Platform displays the number of views of content based on the platform which the content was viewed. An "in-app view" is recorded each time a user views a piece of content. Platform is reflected in the chart as a tablet, phone, or browser. The last tables in the User Stats are Content Interaction and Devices Used. The Content Interaction Chart gives insight into the assets the user is utilizing such as the total viewing time, number of views, number of shares, content type, and average viewing time. The chart can be filtered by any of these aspects by clicking the title in the header. You can also search by content using the search field. The Devices Used chart shows a list of all devices used by the User and the total time spent per device. Alternatively, you can access these Content user stats from the User page. Within the User tab, select the user you want to see in further detail, then click the activity icon in the user detail panel. This will open a User Stats page, including the same information listed above. Related articles Guide to Reports for administrators See user and prospect shares with Activities How is my content performing with users? Bulk import users with a CSV file Sync DAM systems using Asset Connect